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词汇 regenerate
例句 A lizard's tail will regenerate if it's cut off.蜥蜴的尾巴如被切除会重新长出。Some biologists predicted that the damaged areas would quickly regenerate.一些生物学家预言,受灾地区会迅速恢复生机。We are looking for ways in which community participation could help regenerate the inner cities.我们正在寻求社区参与可以促进旧城重建的途径。The money will be used to regenerate the town centre.这笔钱将用于市中心的重建。The government will continue to try to regenerate inner city areas.政府将继续努力重建内城地区。Newts can regenerate their limbs.蝾螈的肢体可以再生。A lizard can regenerate its tail.蜥蜴的尾巴可以再生。Small nodules form as the liver cells regenerate.肝细胞再生时会形成一些突起的小瘤。The lizard's tail can regenerate.蜥蜴的尾巴能够再生。The human body can regenerate hair, nails, etc.人体能再生头发、指甲,等等。Nerve cells have limited ability to regenerate if destroyed.如果受到损伤,神经细胞再造的能力有限。They decided a housing co-operative was the way to regenerate Ormiston Crescent.他们决定通过住房合作社的方式重建奥米斯顿月牙街。The tissue cells can regenerate themselves.组织细胞能够再生。It is impossible for the body to regenerate lost brain cells.人体不可能再生死去的脑细胞。The plan is meant to regenerate the economy.这一计划旨在复兴经济。The government will try to regenerate inner city areas.政府会努力复兴市中心地区。They will show him as a regenerate to the full committee.他们将向委员会全体委员证明他是个改过自新的人。The lizard is able to regenerate its tail.蜥蜴能够重新长出尾巴。Fishes can usually regenerate torn pieces of their fins.鱼类通常能生长新鳍以取代被撕裂部分的鳍。The damaged blood vessels would quickly regenerate.受损伤的血管会很快再生。Many kinds of plants can regenerate roots from the end of a cut stem.许多植物会从切下的茎端再生根。




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