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词汇 eyes out
例句 He threatened to gouge my eyes out.他威胁要挖出我的双眼。It's the saddest book I've ever read. I bawled my eyes out at the end.这是我读过的最令人伤感的书。看到最后我痛哭不止。He has accused her of threatening to gouge his eyes out.他指控她曾威胁要挖出他的眼睛。I broke down and bawled my eyes out on air.直播时我控制不住自己,放声大哭起来。She pored her eyes out over his letters.她全神贯注地看他的一封封来信,看得两眼都酸痛了。I was so upset that day, I cried my eyes out.那天我很难过,所以痛哭了一场。I cried my eyes out when I found out they had left without saying goodbye.发现他们不辞而别,我伤心地大哭起来。He went at the job eyes out.他全力以赴地工作。She pored her eyes out over his letters.她因看了他的好多封来信,把眼睛都看花了。They threatened to gouge his eyes out.他们威胁说要把他的眼睛挖出来。McLaren accused Roberts of trying to gouge his eyes out during the fight.麦克拉伦指控罗伯茨打架时要挖掉他的双眼。The poor kid's so miserable, he's upstairs crying his eyes out.那个可怜的小孩真惨,他在楼上哭得伤心极了。I flew out of the house to tear his eyes out.我冲到屋外去揍他。




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