例句 |
The machine measures the eyeball's degree of curvature.这台仪器用于测量眼球的曲度。The quarreling couple stood in the sitting room, eyeball to eyeball.夫妻俩站在起居室里吵架,你瞪著我,我瞪著你。The bumping and shaking make extra work for your eyeball muscles.颠簸和摇动给眼球的肌肉带来额外的工作。Other ocular signs include involuntary rhythmic movement of the eyeball.其他眼征包括眼球的无意识节奏性运动。When you have that many troops lined up eyeball to eyeball along a tense border, anything can happen.大量部队在形势紧张的边界地区面对面对峙时,什么事都可能会发生。 |