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词汇 explosions
例句 The street erupted in a huge explosion, with secondary explosions in the adjoining buildings.街上发生了一次剧烈爆炸,相邻的建筑物内也发生了几次程度较轻的爆炸。The explosions are not thought to be linked in any way.据信这些爆炸案之间没有任何联系。The island was rocked by a series of volcanic explosions.这座岛因一连串的火山喷发而晃动不已。There were several simultaneous explosions in different cities.几起爆炸在几个不同的城市同时发生。There has been a series of explosions in an ammunition dump.弹药库发生了一连串爆炸。The boy caught his breath at the explosions of movement and sound in the gym.体育馆内爆出有声有色的高潮,这小男孩紧张得气也喘不过来了。We heard a series of explosions. They seemed quite close by.我们听到一连串的爆炸声,似乎就在附近。The sound of gunfire and explosions grew closer.枪炮声和爆炸声越来越近。The powder immediately ignited and set off a chain reaction of explosions.火药立即点燃,引发一连串爆炸。The latest model will be armoured to withstand explosions.最新型号将以装甲来抵御爆炸冲击。A series of explosions rocked the holy city, Karbala, today, amid solemn religious observances.今天,一系列的爆炸震动了正在举行肃穆宗教仪式的圣城卡尔巴拉。Bomb disposal experts have carried out a series of controlled explosions.炸弹拆除专家们实施了一系列控制性爆炸。The authorities are looking into last week's deadly gas explosions.当局正在调查上周发生的恶性瓦斯爆炸事件。Four deafening explosions shattered the stillness of the night air.四下震耳欲聋的爆炸声打破了夜晚的寂静。Our peace was soon shattered by loud rumblings and explosions like cannon fire.我们的平静很快就被炮声之类的巨大轰鸣声和爆炸声给打破了。The explosions took place as crowds of people were shopping.爆炸发生时,成群的人正在购物。There were two bomb explosions in the city overnight.一夜之间城里发生了两起炸弹爆炸事件。The explosions took place in shopping centres as crowds of people were shopping for Mothers' Day.爆炸发生在购物中心,当时大批人群正在为母亲节购物。The synchronized explosions brought chaos to the city centre.同时发生的几起爆炸事故使市中心陷于混乱。The explosions were only sporadic now.现在只有零星的爆炸声。




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