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词汇 extra time
例句 Allow extra time for your journey.要给你的旅程多留出点时间。The extra time I was spending at work was cutting into my time with my family.我工作中加班的时间多了,和家人在一起的时间就少了。We put in a request for a little extra time for us to finish the project, but the board turned it down.我们请求给予多一点时间完成这项工程,可董事会拒绝了。Fulham took Liverpool to extra time before conceding defeat.富勒姆队一直把利物浦队拖到加时赛才承认失败。I'll need some extra time off for revision.我需要些额外闲暇时间复习。The teams were level at the end of extra time.加时赛结束后两队打成平手。The semi-final finished goalless after extra time.加时赛结束后,这场半决赛的比分还是零比零。TV coverage of the match had to be extended when it went into extra time.比赛进入加时赛阶段,电视台不得不延长转播时间。With the score tied after extra time, the game went to sudden death.加时赛后比分依然持平,比赛进入突然死亡阶段。Plainly, a great deal of extra time will be needed for the security checks.显然,安全检查还需要花费更多时间。The winning goal came in extra time.制胜球是在加时赛打进的。Gough scored the winner in extra time.高夫在加时赛中攻入制胜球。We need some extra time to dot the i's and cross the t's on the report.我们需要一点额外的时间来完善报告中的细节。The semifinal finished goalless after extra time.经过加时赛,这场半决赛以零比零告终。Police warned motorists to allow extra time to get to work.警方告诫驾车者出门上班要留出富余时间。




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