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词汇 破裂
例句 The city tore the street up to fix a broken water main.市政府把这条街的路面打开以便修好破裂的总水管。As talks between the leaders broke down, several months of careful diplomacy were unravelled.由于领导人之间的会谈破裂,几个月精心策划的外交努力付诸东流。Their marriage was broken-backed and would dissolve one day.他们的婚姻基础已经动摇,总有一天要破裂Marriages usually break down as a result of the shortcomings of both partners.婚姻常因为配偶双方的缺点而破裂She spoke for the first time about the traumas of a broken marriage.她第一次谈起破裂的婚姻带给她的伤痛。She was as much to blame for the breakup of their marriage as he was.对婚姻的破裂她和他负有同样的责任。If a plane window breaks, the cabin will rapidly decompress.如果飞机的弦窗破裂,舱内就会迅速失压。Their marriage had collapsed.他们的婚姻业已破裂It's already common knowledge that their marriage is breaking up.他们的婚姻濒临破裂,这已是尽人皆知了。Water from the broken water main cascaded into a subway station.破裂的主水管中涌出的水倾泻进了地铁站。Sun removes the oil and wax, leaving the leather prone to cracking.阳光晒掉了皮革上的油和蜡,使皮革容易破裂The racial tension was already near breaking point.种族之间的关系紧张得已濒于破裂He's been driving around with a cracked windshield for months.他几个月来一直开着挡风玻璃破裂的车到处跑。Mutual accusations soured the peace talks.相互指责导致和谈破裂I blame the failure of our relationship on my husband.我把我们关系的破裂归咎于我的丈夫。When the marriage finally broke up it was obviously a terrible blow to Soames.婚姻的最终破裂对索姆斯显然是一个沉重打击。Peace talks involving other rebel leaders and government representatives broke up without agreement last week, but are due to resume shortly.上个星期,其他叛军领导人和政府代表之间的和谈没能达成协议,宣告破裂,但是和谈不久会重开。The scandal ruptured relations between the two countries.这起丑闻使两国关系破裂This could lead to a major breach in our relationship with China.这可能导致我们与中国关系的破裂My theory about divorce is that it's not the split-up that damages children, it's how it is handled.我对离婚的看法是,伤害孩子的不是婚姻的破裂,而是处理离婚的方式。Their marriage nearly broke up.他们的婚姻差点破裂The kidnappings undermined several months of delicate peace negotiations.这些绑架事件使几个月以来微妙的和平谈判渐渐趋于破裂If the condition is not treated, the appendix can rupture.如果这种情况不加处理的话,阑尾就可能破裂The tanker began spilling oil the moment her outer plating ruptured.油轮外部金属板覆层破裂的那一瞬间,油开始外溢。Water gushed from the broken pipe.水从破裂的管子中喷涌而出。Catherine gripped the broken neck of the bottle.凯瑟琳紧握着破裂的瓶颈。They are trying to save their faltering marriage.他们正在努力挽回濒临破裂的婚姻。Oil began to gush out of the broken pipe.油开始从破裂的管子里喷涌出来。At one point, the talks seemed close to breaking down.会谈一度濒于破裂She watched as the bubbles rose to the surface and popped.她看着泡泡升上水面,然后破裂Strangulation causes blood vessels and capillaries to rupture.扼颈会使血管和毛细血管破裂The cracked pipe leaked fumes into the room.那条破裂的管子使烟气泄露到房间里。The irretrievable breakdown of a marriage can be grounds for divorce.婚姻关系破裂至无可挽回,可以成为离婚的理由。Their marriage has been on the rocks for a couple of months.他们的婚姻触礁好几个月了,已经濒于破裂The council has got the road up because of a broken sewer.因为下水管道破裂,市政会正在整修道路。Their marriage is foundering.他们的婚姻濒临破裂Sloshing liquids can rupture the walls of their containers.晃动液体会使容器壁破裂It was money troubles that bust up their marriage.他们夫妻关系破裂的原因是金钱问题。The pipe would kink, or burst, or something.管子会缠结,破裂,或发生诸如此类的故障。Our friendship is falling apart at the seams.我们的友谊正在破裂




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