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词汇 expressly
例句 He has expressly forbidden her to go out on her own.他已经明确禁止她独自外出。The farmer put up the fence expressly to stop people walking across his field.农场主围起了篱笆,目的很明确,就是为了阻止人们从他的农田里穿行。These conditions must be expressly incorporated into the contract of employment.这些条件必须明确地写进雇佣合同当中。He expressly rejected my request.他明确地拒绝我的要求。Suicide is expressly forbidden in Buddhism.自杀行为是佛教明确禁止的。Small businesses are expressly exempted from the requirements of this legislation.明文规定小型企业无需符合这一立法的规定。Smoking is expressly forbidden.吸烟被明令禁止。The paper expressly rejected charges that it had invented the story.该报明确否认了编造此新闻报道的指控。It is expressly stated in the sales agreement that the buyer is to pay for any home inspection.销售协议中明确说明,房屋检查费用由买方支付。The building is expressly designed to conserve energy.这座建筑经特意设计以节约能源。I asked him expressly to stop talking.我明确地要求他停止讲话。The students were expressly forbidden to use the Internet for their research on this occasion.这次学生们被明确禁止使用因特网来进行研究。The new law expressly forbids the importation of radioactive waste.新颁布的法律明确禁止进口放射性废料。Although it's not expressly stated in your contract, you are expected to attend weekend training sessions.尽管合同中没有明确规定,你还是应该上周末的培训课。I told you expressly to report to me everyday.我明确告诉过你每天要向我汇报。This ship was designed expressly for exploring the Arctic waters.这艘船是为考察北极水域而特意设计的。This is an English dictionary expressly compiled for foreign students.这是一部特为外国学生编写的英语词典。Bleasdale had written the role expressly for Robert Lindsay.布利斯戴尔专门为罗伯特·林赛写了这个角色。She came expressly to see you.她是特意来看你的。




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