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词汇 winning
例句 I enjoy winning awards as much as the next guy, but other things are more important to me.我跟别人一样喜欢得奖,不过对我来说,还有其他更重要的事情。She threw everything she had into winning the match. 为赢得比赛,她竭尽全力。Mike's chances of winning are virtually zero.迈克获胜的机会几乎为零。The whole country experienced a period of euphoria after winning the war.战争胜利以后的一段时期内,举国上下一片喜气洋洋。His opponent played on, winning the point.他的对手继续比赛,赢得了比分。She wanted to improve her odds of winning.她想加大她获胜的可能性。United must beat Liverpool to be sure of winning the championship.曼联队要稳拿冠军就必须打败利物浦队。The winning team will go through to the grand final in London.获胜队将进入在伦敦举行的大决赛。The German team were caught napping and Beckham scored the winning goal.趁德国队一不留神,贝克汉姆踢入了致胜的一球。He plated the winning run in Wednesday's victory.他在周三获胜的那场比赛中跑垒得到了一分。An award-winning author reveals his personal must-haves for a low-fat larder.一位获奖作者透露了他个人必备的低脂肪食品。Their chances of winning the game were bleak. 他们不太可能赢得比赛。We're all counting on winning this contract.我们都指望争取到这份合同。The next game will probably offer them the consolation of winning.下一场比赛很可能会给他们带来获胜的安慰。The smart money is on him winning.赌注押他获胜。If he has a game plan for winning the deal, only he understands it.假如他有拿下这笔交易的策略,也只有他自己才明白。They took soundings on his chances of winning. 他们向人们打探他的获胜概率。She drew the winning number/ticket.她抽到中奖号码/中奖票。Her hopes of winning a medal were dashed after she broke her leg.摔断腿之后,她赢得奖牌的希望破灭了。We're winning now, but we have to work hard to stay/keep ahead.我们胜利在望,但我们必须努力保持领先优势。One of the players on the winning team was a ringer.获胜球队中有一名球员是非法参赛的。He was disappointed by the results of the election, but tried to put the best face on the situation by saying he had come closer to winning than people expected.他对选举结果感到失望,但仍试图掩饰处境,称自己的表现比人们所预期的要好。The factory is in with a good chance of winning a major order.这家工厂很可能赢得一笔大宗订单。They have only a slim chance of winning.他们只有一丝能赢的希望。He was late for the examination and scuppered his chances of winning the scholarship.他没赶上考试,丧失了获得奖学金的机会。Jenny has set her sights on winning the competition.珍妮已决心赢得比赛的胜利。It says a lot for Banks that he decided to finish the race even though he had no hope of winning.班克斯虽然获胜无望,但还是决定完成赛事,这足以说明他的毅力。He finished the tournament in style by winning his last match very quickly and easily.他轻而易举地赢了最后一场比赛,非常漂亮地结束了联赛。Karen trained day and night - winning the gold medal meant everything to her.卡伦从早到晚地进行训练,赢得金牌对她来说意味着一切。The team has a good shot at winning.球队获胜的概率很大。Nobody has any illusions about winning the war.没有人对打赢这场战争抱有幻想。He put himself to winning back their confidence.他尽力想重新赢得他们的信任。We delved through a sackful of letters to draw the winning name.我们把手探进一袋信件中抽取获奖者。The band played with a winning combination of gusto and precision.乐队在演奏激情与精确性之间达到了水乳交融的境界。My training was geared towards winning gold in Munich.我为了在慕尼黑夺取金牌而进行训练。I hate to say it, but I don't think he has much chance of winning.我不愿说这话,但我认为他的胜算不大。Jack could see no way of winning his wife back.杰克不知道如何使妻子重新回到自己身边。George appeared to be winning by a short head.乔治看上去会以微弱优势获胜。The coattails of the winning presidential candidate could alter the outlook.那获胜的总统候选人的提携能使形势改观。After winning the race, she couldn't stop bragging.赢了比赛后,她就没完没了地吹嘘自己。




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