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词汇 Winter
例句 Winter has come around again.冬天又来到了。Mrs Winter was large and somewhat overpowering.温特夫人块头很大,个性也较强悍。Winter seemed to stretch endlessly ahead.冬天似乎永远不会过去。This Saturday the British star is going for gold in the Winter Olympics.本周六,这位英国明星将向冬奥会的金牌发起冲击。Winter wheat is planted in the autumn and harvested in early summer.冬麦是秋天播种初夏收割。We're holding a tournament in the new ice-hockey stadium, as a trial run for next year's Winter Olympics.我们将在新的冰球场承办一次锦标赛,作为明年举办冬奥会的一次测试。Winter is coming and the days are getting shorter.冬天来临,白日变短了。Winter produce will cost more for the next few weeks.在未来几周,冬季农产品会更贵。She won the individual gold medal at the Winter Olympics.她在冬奥会上获得了个人金牌。Winter has finally relaxed its grip on the country.这个国家的冬天终于过去了。Spring follows winter. = Winter is followed by spring.冬天过后是春天。There was a judging scandal at the Winter Olympics.冬奥会上出现了裁判丑闻。Winter is traditionally a dead time of year in the fashion business.冬天传统上是时装业一年中的淡季。Winter storms swept the coasts.冬季风暴横扫了海滨地区。Winter still held them in its iron grip.严冬依然肆虐。Winter is setting in and the population is facing food and fuel shortages.冬天即将到来,人们将面临食物和燃料的短缺。Winter is a cold season.冬天是一个寒冷的季节。Winter is fast approaching.冬天很快就要来了。We wandered through the beautifully proportioned rooms of the Winter Palace.我们浏览了冬宫里错落有致、美仑美奂的众多宫室。Winter takes its toll on your health.冬天对健康不利。Winter is a common enough German surname.温特是一个非常普通的德国姓氏。Winter is here at last.冬天终于来了。Winter brings late dawns and early sunsets.冬天昼短夜长。Winter weather can leave you feeling fatigued and tired.冬天的天气会使人感觉疲乏无力。I've always thought white clothes for Winter collections were trite and cliche.我以前一直觉得白色的衣服对于冬季系列来说太陈腐。Winter snow brought traffic to a stop.冬雪使得交通停滞。Winter seems to be setting in early this year.今年的冬天好像来得早。Winter had the whole landscape in its deathly grip.严冬将整片地区紧紧地笼罩住。Daniel Winter nibbled on his pen.丹尼尔·温特咬着他的钢笔。Winter is past and spring has come at last.冬天过去,春天终于来临。Winter sets in early in the north.北方冬天来得早。Winter is coming on again.冬天又来了。Winter grey changed to vernal green.冬天的灰白变成了春天的翠绿。Winter was finally ending, and the first flowers of spring had begun to appear.冬天终于要过去了,最早的春花开始绽放。Winter is finally over, and I say good riddance!冬天终于结束了,我说真是谢天谢地!They had to use artificial snow at the Winter Olympics.他们在冬奥会上不得不使用人造雪。




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