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词汇 explain
例句 A number of theories have been proposed to explain the phenomenon.提出了一些理论来解释这种现象。Scientists still cannot explain exactly how the virus reproduces.科学家仍旧未能确切解释这种病毒是如何复制的。You'll have to explain yourself more clearly.你得把自己的意思表达得更为清楚一些。He made a pathetic attempt to explain his failure.他试图解释失败的原因,但没有成功。The President would explain his sharp reversal of policy.总统将对他政策的急剧逆转作出解释。Science cannot explain everything.科学无法解释一切。It sounds silly, I know, but I will explain.这听起来很傻,我知道,但我会解释的。Christ used parables to explain moral questions in a way that people could understand.基督用寓言故事来解释道德问题,让人们都能够听懂。We explain in simple terms what the treatment involves.我们用简单的语言来解释治疗的内容。They've tried to explain away the delays, citing computer problems.他们试图为一系列延误找借口,说是电脑出了问题。He couldn't explain the irregularities in the balance sheet, and I suspect him of taking the money.他无法解释资产负债表中的不正常的情况,我怀疑他把钱放进自己腰包了。I don't know how to explain the dog's strange behavior.我不知道如何去解释那条狗的奇怪行为。His refusal to explain is the despair of his closest supporters.他拒绝作出解释,令他最亲近的支持者感到绝望。I welcome this opportunity to explain what really happened.我很高兴能有机会来说明事情真相。But there's broken glass all over the floor - how are we going to explain that away?可是地上到处是碎玻璃,我们怎么搪塞过去呢?The journalists would be much better employed in trying to explain to us how the astronomical legal costs of the cases can be justified.记者们最好花时间向我们说明为什么诉讼费高得惊人。Not every judge has the ability to explain the law in simple terms.不是每个法官都能用简单的语言来解释法律。They bend over backwards to explain away inconsistencies.他们拼命为这些不一致作出辩解。I'll explain everything to George. I wouldn't want him to get the wrong idea.我会向乔治解释一切。我不想让他产生误解。Hospital discipline was broken. Amy would have to explain herself.埃米违反了医院的纪律,她将不得不为自己的行为进行辩解。We owe it to ourselves to explain how it all happened.我们认为有必要解释一下事情发生的经过。He uses the analogy of the family to explain the role of the state.他以家庭作类比来解释国家的作用。He called a press conference to explain his proposals.他召开了记者招待会来解释他的提议。The great thing about Alex is that he's always willing to explain things to you.亚历克斯的优点是总是愿意把事情解释给你听。Experts are unable to explain why the whales beached themselves.专家们无法解释为什么这些鲸会搁浅在海滩上。Let me explain why.让我来解释为什么。We cannot yet satisfactorily explain the genesis of the universe.我们仍不能令人满意地解释宇宙的起源。Not every judge, however, has the ability to explain the law in simple terms.然而,不是每个法官都能用简单的语言来解释法律。I don't think that I should have to explain myself to you.我认为没必要向你解释我的行为。You run the risk of being misunderstood if you don't explain your purpose carefully.你若不认真解释你的目的,就有可能被误解。I had to explain it to him three times but he finally twigged.我不得不给他解释了三遍,最后他总算明白了。We want to explain how one man and one party could seduce a whole nation.我们想要解释一个人和一个政党是如何把整个民族带上了歧途。The note was to remind him about something he had to explain to one of his students.这张字条是要提醒他得向他的一个学生解释某件事情。Perhaps we should follow the lead of politicians and never explain why we did a certain thing.也许我们应该效法政客,绝不解释我们为何做某件事。I tried to explain, but he just talked me down.我想解释一下,但他根本不让我插话。He omitted to explain why he had been late.他没有解释他为什么迟到。He made a fumbling attempt to explain his behavior.他用了一个笨办法来解释他的行为。He made up a story to explain why he was absent.他编造了一个故事为他的缺席辩解。Could you explain the rules of the game to me, please?你能把比赛规则向我解释一下吗?We just sat there, mute , unable to explain what happened.我们无法解释发生的事情,只能默默地坐在那里。




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