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词汇 snowed
例句 Presents snowed in on her birthday.她生日时,礼物雪片似地飞来。I'd feel more Christmassy if it snowed.要是下场雪我觉得会更有圣诞节的气氛。The helpline has been snowed under with inquiries.各种咨询者已经把服务热线打爆了。We were snowed in by a raging/fierce blizzard.我们被猛烈的暴风雪困住了。Since the hurricane, builders and roofers have been snowed under with work.飓风过后,建筑工人和盖屋顶的工人一直忙得团团转。Ed was snowed under with fan mail when he was doing his television show.埃德出演电视剧的时候收到了大量粉丝的来信。They were snowed under with invitations to parties.他们频频受邀参加宴会,疲于应付。His grave is snowed down with flowers.他的墓上撒满鲜花。After the blizzard we were snowed in for a week. 暴风雪过后,我们被大雪围困了一个星期。We were snowed in for three days last winter.去年冬天我们被大雪困了三天。It has snowed for three straight days.已连续下了三天雪了。We got snowed in at my sister's house.我们被大雪困在了姐姐家。We were snowed in for three days.大雪困了我们整整三天。They were snowed in for a week.他们被大雪困了一周。It had snowed during the night, and the kids rushed outside to throw snowballs and make snow angels.晚上下了雪,孩子们纷纷跑出去打雪仗、做雪天使。It wouldn't surprise me if it snowed tonight.要是今夜下雪,我是不会感到吃惊的。The peach snowed its petals on the pond.桃花花瓣纷纷落入水池。He was snowed under with e-mail. 他有许多电子邮件要回复。You know nothing. She snowed you completely.你什么都不知道。她的花言巧语完全骗了你。Complaints snowed on the county magistrate.意见雪片似地向县长投来。Due to some freak of nature, it snowed in June.天生异象,六月里下起了雪。I'm absolutely snowed under with work at the moment.目前我简直被工作压得喘不过来气。It must have snowed heavily during the night.夜里一定是下了大雪。It snowed continually for three weeks.一连下了三周的雪。The child snowed crumbs of bread broadcast.那孩子把面包屑撒得到处都是。We've stocked up with food in case we get snowed in.我们已经储备了食物,以防被雪困住。She was not snowed by the special treatment she received.她没有被所得到的这种特殊待遇迷惑。Be sure to buy in a lot of tinned food in case we're snowed up.一定要多买些罐头食品以防我们被雪困住。We woke up to find that it had snowed overnight.我们醒来发现夜里下了雪。The match was snowed off last Saturday.上周六的比赛因大雪而被取消。It snowed heavily during the month of January.一月份下了很大的雪。It rained, it snowed, and, to crown it all , our flight was canceled.又下雨,又下雪,而最糟糕的是,我们的航班被取消了。We had to rely on our emergency reserve of food while we were snowed in.我们被大雪围困在室内,只得依靠紧急食物储备。I remember once it snowed on my birthday, and I was so excited.记得有一次我生日那天正好下雪,我多么兴奋啊。It snowed heavily, but we made it through.雪下得很大,但我们到达了。Millions of readers were snowed into believing it was a true story.无数读者上当,以为那是一个真实的故事。The road was snowed in.大雪封住了道路。I've been so snowed under with work I just didn't have the time.我近来忙得不可开交,所以就抽不出时间来了。It snowed on Christmas Day.圣诞节那天下雪了。The village was snowed in for more than two weeks after the heavy storm.暴风雪之后村子被积雪封困了两个多星期。




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