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词汇 snow in
例句 Is that snow in May, or are my eyes deceiving me?那是五月雪,是真的吗?The village was snowed in for more than two weeks after the heavy storm.暴风雪之后村子被积雪封困了两个多星期。We may all be snowed in here together for days.我们可能要一起被大雪困在这里好几天。The mountain village was snowed in for a whole week after the blizzard.那场暴风雪之后这个山村被雪困了整整一个星期。The strong wind drifted the snow in piles.大风将雪吹刮成堆。The car's tires bit loudly on the rutted snow in the street.汽车轮子碾入街道上布满车辙的雪里,发出很大的声响。Ploughing through the deep snow in my high boots,I finally reached the farmhouse.穿着高统靴艰难地在深雪里前进,最终我到了农庄的住宅。The National Weather Service is forecasting snow in cities as far apart as Atlanta, Boston, and Cleveland.国家气象服务中心预报说像亚特兰大、波士顿和克利夫兰这些相距很远的城市都将有降雪。We were snowed in for three days.大雪困了我们整整三天。A gust of wind blew snow in her face.一阵狂风把雪吹打在她的脸上。We were snowed in for three days last winter.去年冬天我们被大雪困了三天。We got snowed in at my sister's house.我们被大雪困在了姐姐家。The road is open now, but it is often blocked by snow in the winter.这条路现在可以通行,不过在冬天它经常被雪封住。It is unusual to see snow in this region.这个地区难得下雪。The blizzard dumped three feet of snow in one night.这场暴风雪一夜就堆积了三英尺厚的雪。The road was snowed in.大雪封住了道路。The storm may deposit up to three feet of snow in some areas.在有些地方,暴风雪可堆积成三英尺厚的积雪。Whenever it snows in Britain we are taken by surprise.每次英国下雪,我们都会感到惊讶。We were snowed in by a raging/fierce blizzard.我们被猛烈的暴风雪困住了。After the blizzard we were snowed in for a week. 暴风雪过后,我们被大雪围困了一个星期。They were snowed in for a week.他们被大雪困了一周。Presents snowed in on her birthday.她生日时,礼物雪片似地飞来。They were snowed in a mountain village for more than 3 weeks.他们被大风雪困在一个小山村,达三个多星期。Due to some freak of nature, it snowed in June.天生异象,六月里下起了雪。We've stocked up with food in case we get snowed in.我们已经储备了食物,以防被雪困住。We had to rely on our emergency reserve of food while we were snowed in.我们被大雪围困在室内,只得依靠紧急食物储备。




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