例句 |
At sunrise, they surveyed the vast panorama of snow-covered hills and mountains.日出的时候,他们看到了一片群山连绵、白雪皑皑的壮阔景象。In the distance we could see the snow-covered summit of Mount Kilimanjaro.在远处,我们能看见乞力马扎罗山被白雪覆盖的山顶。We stood there for a moment, gazing up into the snow-covered branches of the tree.我们在那儿站了一会,抬头凝望,那树上白雪满枝。The sun reflected off the snow-covered mountains.冰雪覆盖的山峰反射着阳光。Access to this remote uninhabited Himalayan mountain is via high snow-covered passes.进入这座渺无人烟的喜马拉雅山,要经过一道道白雪覆盖的高峻山口。 |