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例句 This report shows how she twisted the truth to claim successes where none, in fact, existed.这份报告表明她歪曲事实,她所宣称的那些成就其实根本不存在。These cultural differences have existed for decades.这些文化差异已经存在几十年了。The shell advertised bonds for sale to investors, but this offering was essentially a fraud because no bonds ever existed.空壳公司刊登广告向投资者兜售债券,但这实质上是欺诈行为,因为其实从来都没有债券可卖。Not every difference that existed between imagination and reality could be explained away.存在于想象与现实间的差别并不是都能通过解释消除的。The exact conditions that existed ten years ago are reproduced today.十年前的情形今天又不折不扣重现了。No one could imagine a great woman painter. None had existed yet.没有谁能想象出一位伟大的女画家是什么样子。这样的画家还没有出现过。I have to say I didn't even know Fox Lane Police Station existed till about four or five years ago.我必须承认直到四五年前我才知道有福克斯巷警察局 。The stark contrast between the haves and have-nots has always existed but in a recession the injustices become more painful.虽然富人和穷人之间一直差距悬殊,但这种不公在经济萧条期愈加显得令人难以接受。The last paragraph contains an anachronism. The Holy Office no longer existed at that time.最后一段中存在一个时代错误。宗教法庭那时已经不存在了。The few public health clinics that existed were filthy and understaffed.仅有的几个公共医疗中心卫生条件差,而且人手不足。She existed only on milk.她只靠喝牛奶活着。A primitive form of microscopic life may have existed on Mars billions of years ago.微生物的原始形态可能数十亿年前就已在火星上存在了。It seems highly unlikely that she ever existed.她好像压根就没存在过。No such person ever existed.这样的人从来没有存在过。The blue whale is the largest creature that has ever existed on earth.蓝鲸是迄今地球上存在过的最大的生物。The Roman Empire existed for several centuries.罗马帝国存在了好几个世纪。Racism is a deeply rooted prejudice which has existed for thousands of years.种族主义是存在了几千年的根深蒂固的偏见。The people have always co-existed uneasily since their country came into being.建国以来,人们一直不能和睦共处。The apartheid system which enshrined racism in law still existed.以法律保护种族主义的种族隔离制度依旧存在。If any bad feelings existed between the two of them, I was not aware of it.假如他俩相互间有什么敌意,我也没察觉到。The last paragraph contains an anachronism. The Holy Office no longer existed at that time.最后一段有一个时代错误。异端裁判所那时已经不存在了。The hostages existed on bread and water.人质靠面包和水生存。No statistically significant relationship existed between the occurrences.从统计数据上看,这些事件之间并不存在重要的关联。The café is a reincarnation of an eatery of the same name that existed across town years ago.这家小餐馆的前身是多年前在小镇另一端经营的一家同名餐馆。The question is, was the Chief of Police aware that so much corruption existed within the police department?问题是,警察局长是否知道警察局内部有这么多贪污腐败的行为?Pessimism replaced the mood of democratic optimism that existed before World War I.悲观主义替代了第一次世界大战之前存在的民主的乐观主义。The Act, due to come into force next week, codifies the immunity that has previously existed under common law.该法案将于下周开始实施,正式确立了之前习惯法中已经存在的豁免权的法律地位。My decision that reasonable grounds existed to believe he was complicit in war crimes, was reached on the balance of probabilities.有充分的理由去相信他是战争罪的同谋,我的这一裁决是依据或然性权衡的原则作出的。No legal distinction existed between cities and other corporations.城市和其他法人之间并不存在法律上的差别。There was a warmth and passion about him I never knew existed.他身上有一股我从不知道的热情和激情。They seriously doubted whether the letter had ever existed.他们对此信是否真的存在深表怀疑。They still think that Atlantis never existed, except as a myth or an island destroyed by cataclysm.他们仍然认为亚特兰蒂斯从不存在,而只是个传说中的、或者是被大洪水毁灭的岛屿。Despite its prevalence, schizophrenia has existed behind a wall of secrecy for years.尽管精神分裂症患者为数众多,但多年来这种病一直被捂着掩着。They evolved from simple life forms that existed millions of years ago.它们是从几百万年前就存在的简单的生命形式进化而来的。I didn't think people like that existed any more.我认为再也没有那样的人了。The coelocanth is a living fossil that has existed for hundreds of millions of years.腔棘鱼是已存在好几亿年的活化石。Only simple glass lenses with insufficient powers of magnification existed.从前只有低放大率的简易玻璃透镜。Strange ideas existed in his mind.他头脑里有着奇怪的念头。Trade connections existed between the two countries before the war.战前两国之间有过贸易往来。We are playing around with genetic structures that existed for millions of years.我们正在改变存在了数百万年的遗传结构。




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