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例句 In this case, federal law takes precedence over state law.在这个判例中,联邦政府的法律优先于州政府的法律。The judge's ruling is based on legal precedent.法官是基于法律判例作出的裁决。He says that the government will set/establish a dangerous precedent if it refuses to allow the protesters to hold a rally.他说政府如果不允许抗议者举行集会,它将确立一个危险的判例Lee's case will be the reference point for lawyers in tomorrow's trial.李的判例将成为律师在明天庭审时的参考依据。The judge's ruling was based/founded on legal precedent.法官的裁决是基于具有法律效力的判例做出的。The judge's ruling was based on a precedent established by an earlier decision.法官的裁决是基于一个早前确定的判例The ruling is likely to set a precedent for how future cases are decided. 这项裁定很可能成为今后此类案件的裁决判例It would not be right for this case to be treated as a precedent.把这个案子当作判例是不对的。The judge based his decision on precedents set during the previous century.法官基于上个世纪的判例作出了判决。This decision sets a precedent for future cases of a similar nature.这一裁决为今后性质类似的案件提供了判例She argued the need for legal reform and instanced several recent cases with grossly unfair verdicts.她极力说明有必要进行司法改革,并引证了最近出现的几起非常不公平的判例The constitution in this country is not written. It's founded on tradition and precedent.这个国家的宪法不是成文的,而是以传统和判例为基础。The Supreme Court has already set a precedent.最高法院已有过判例He erected a new doctrine of precedent.他创立了一套新的判例原则。This case could serve as a precedent for others against the tobacco companies.这一案件可以作为其他人起诉烟草公司的判例Many precedents can be found for this decision.这一裁定可以找到许多判例




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