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词汇 ex-husband
例句 She has a love-hate relationship with her ex-husband. 她和前夫之间有着爱恨交织的感情。I kept my ex-husband's last name to prevent confusion.我保留了前夫的姓氏以避免引起混乱。She hired a hit man to kill her ex-husband.她雇了个职业杀手去杀她的前夫。At the party it seemed only sensible to keep her ex-husband and her new boyfriend apart.晚会上,似乎只有把她前夫和新男友分开才是明智之举。Ms. Louis’ attorney characterized her ex-husband as a freeloader, looking for the easy life.路易斯女士的律师说她的前夫是个一心想过安逸生活的白食客。She's been spreading dirt about her ex-husband.她一直在散布她前夫的丑闻。Her book was based on her ex-husband's letters and yet his name did not even appear in the acknowledgements.她的书是以她前夫的信件为基础写成的,但他的名字甚至没有出现在鸣谢辞中。She simply loathes her ex-husband.她很讨厌她的前夫。She bore/felt/harbored bitter feelings of resentment toward her ex-husband.她对前夫心怀怨恨。Margaret's ex-husband turned up at the wedding. Honestly, you could have heard a pin drop.玛格丽特的前夫出现在婚礼现场。老实说,当时全场真是鸦雀无声。She wants to settle the score with her ex-husband.她想找她的前夫算账。Her ex-husband refused to give her back any of her old photos and letters.她前夫不肯还给她以前的照片和信件。She had wrangled bitterly with her ex-husband over contact with their children.她与前夫在接触孩子的问题上发生了激烈的争吵。She took out a contract on her ex-husband.她雇好了凶手打算谋杀她的前夫。I thought it impolitic to ask any questions about her ex-husband.我觉得问她有关她前夫的任何问题都是不当的。My ex-husband has access to the children once a week.我的前夫有权每周探望孩子一次。Her ex-husband threatened to burn the house down with her and the kids inside.她前夫威胁说要把房子连她和孩子在内一起烧掉。My ex-husband was a real sexist, who didn't think our daughters should have jobs at all.我的前夫是个十足的性别歧视者,他认为我们的女儿根本就不该工作。When her ex-husband entered the room, she turned on her heel and left.当她的前夫进入房间时,她迅速转身离开了。Her ex-husband had battered her for many years.她的前夫对她施暴多年。Ellie dumped all the photos of her ex-husband.埃莉把前夫的所有照片都扔了。She hated her ex-husband with a passion.她极度仇恨自己的前夫。Her ex-husband sounds like an absolute swine.她的前夫说起话来简直就像个不折不扣的下流痞子。She has a pension, and receives a small amount from her ex-husband.她有一笔退休金,还有一小笔前夫给的钱。She has been in a pitched battle with her ex-husband over custody of their children.她和前夫陷入了一场对孩子监护权的激烈争夺之中。She was still bitter toward her ex-husband.她对她的前夫仍然心怀怨恨。Lydia is still friends with her ex-husband.莉迪娅与前夫仍是朋友。When you mention Polly's ex-husband, her entire demeanour changes.你一提起波莉的前夫,她整个样子就变了。She's frightened that her ex-husband will find her.她怕前夫会找到她。Her ex-husband has access to the children.她的前夫可以与孩子见面。She had severed all contact with her ex-husband.她和前夫断绝了一切往来。She was still conflicted about her ex-husband's remarriage.对于前夫再婚,她情感上还是很难接受。At the slightest mention of her ex-husband's name she gets upset.稍微一提到她前夫的名字她就不高兴。My ex-husband was a real spoiler who turned every happy event into a nightmare.我的前夫实在是个扫兴的人,他会把每一次愉快的活动都变成一场噩梦。Her ex-husband is a real louse.她的前夫真是个卑鄙小人。




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