例句 |
It's excusable considering that he is a child.考虑到他是个小孩,这事尚可原谅。A little white lie is surely excusable.善意的小谎言肯定是可以原谅的。Considering her difficult childhood her behaviour is excusable.考虑到她不幸的童年生活,她的行为是可以原谅的。I then realised that he had made a simple but excusable historical mistake.然后我认识到他犯了一个简单但是可以原谅的历史性错误。Such minor errors are excusable.此类小错可以原谅。I then realized that he had made a simple but excusable historical mistake.然后我意识到他犯了一个低级但可以原谅的历史性错误。 |