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词汇 打量
例句 She surveyed his appearance critically.她挑剔地打量着他。We eyed each other thoughtfully.我们若有所思地打量着对方。His eyes roved restlessly about the room.他不安地打量着这个房间。The old woman looked at him in confusion.老妇人用迷茫的目光打量著他。I was in a shop when I saw a lady looking carefully at me. She'd recognised me, and sure enough, she came across.我正在逛商店,突然看到一位女士在仔细地打量我。她认出了我,果不其然,她走了过来。The old gentleman considered him attentively.那老先生全神贯注地打量他。He sniffed the perfume she wore, then gave her a quick survey.他闻了闻她身上的香水味,然后又飞快地打量了她一眼。He entered the room and looked around.他走进房间,四处打量了一下。He eyed them shiftily.他鬼鬼祟祟地打量着他们。He looked with mistrust at the stranger.他以怀疑的神色打量这个陌生人。The sentry regarded us suspiciously.哨兵猜疑地打量着我们。Players were scoping out the competition.选手们打量着对方。She surveyed him coldly with eyes that spat venom.她冷眼打量着他,眼睛冒出憎恨的光。He eyed her cautiously, trying to gauge her reaction.他谨慎地打量着她,估摸着她的反应。She looked at me inquisitively.她好奇地打量我。Peter looked at her narrowly to see if she was lying.彼得仔细地打量着她,看她是否在撒谎。The prisoner eyed him in hostile silence.犯人一言不发,用充满敌意的目光打量着他。He surveyed the handful of customers at the bar.打量着吧台那边零星的几个顾客。He looked them both over and nodded lightly.他朝他俩打量一番,微微一点头。His eyes wandered restlessly around the room.他的眼睛不安分地转来转去,打量着房间。There was a group of lads at the bar, eyeing up every girl who walked in.酒吧里有一群小伙子,色迷迷地打量着走进来的每一个女孩。A face was peering down at him.一张脸俯下来打量着他。Delaney eyed her speculatively.德莱尼带着疑问的眼神打量她。Her father gave her a probing look.她父亲仔细地打量了她一番。I found myself studying his face surreptitiously.我发现自己在偷偷地打量着他的脸。She took the money and eyed me nastily.她拿了钱,恶狠狠地打量着我。He peered at me like I'd just puked up on his jeans.打量着我,好像我刚刚吐在了他的牛仔裤上似的。She ran her eye over the rolls of brightly-coloured cloth displayed on the stall.打量着摊位上陈列的一卷卷色彩鲜艳的布料。He studied her in a way that made her very self-conscious.打量她的那种方式令她很不自在。They surveyed the boy from top to toe.他们从头到脚打量那男孩。Sarah looked up at me suspiciously.萨拉抬起头满脸疑惑地打量着我。He sized up the competition. 打量了一下对手。Baxter eyed our clothes with obvious disapproval.巴克斯特打量我们的衣着,显然不满意。He peered through the gloom at the dim figure.他费劲地打量着昏暗处那个影影绰绰的身影。She surveyed her handiwork with no little pride.她相当自豪地打量着自己的手工制品。She surveyed Sophie from top to toe in a disarmingly frank way.她以让人放心的坦率目光把索菲从头到脚打量了一番。They eyeballed each other suspiciously.他们怀疑地互相打量了一番。Sally eyed Claire with interest.萨莉颇有兴趣地打量着克莱尔。The two cats walked in circles around each other, sizing each other up.两只猫围着彼此绕圈,并且互相打量着。She studied me warily, as if I might turn violent.她警惕地打量着我,似乎担心我会动粗。




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