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词汇 erode
例句 It is feared that international institutions may erode national sovereignty.人们害怕国际组织会损害国家的主权。If the river is not controlled, it will erode its banks as well as the surrounding farmland.如不对这条河加以控制,它就会侵蚀两岸及周边的耕地。High interest rates can gradually erode profit margins.高利率可能会逐渐减少利润幅度。America's belief in its own uniqueness started to erode.美国人开始逐渐怀疑自己的独一无二。Repeated vomiting causes the stomach acids to erode tooth enamel.反复呕吐会导致胃酸酸蚀牙釉质。Rising prices might erode purchasing power.正在上涨的价格可能会破坏购买力。A cut in interest rates will erode the value of people's savings.利率的降低会减少人们的存款。Our trade position continues to erode.我们的贸易地位在继续减弱。America's belief in its own God-ordained uniqueness started to erode.美国人心中上帝赋予了他们独一无二的品质的信念开始逐渐丧失。Without adequate protection from plants, the river banks began to erode.由于缺少足够的植被保护,河床开始遭受侵蚀。The value of the dollar began to erode rapidly just around this time.刚好在这个时候,美元开始迅速贬值。Insomniacs experience a range of knock-on problems that erode the quality of their waking life.失眠患者会受到一系列问题困扰,这些问题严重影响他们的日常生活质量。




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