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词汇 enquiries
例句 They've had a lot of enquiries about the company - there's no shortage of potential buyers.他们接到了大量对那家公司的询问,看来不愁找不到潜在的买主。No arrest has been made, but a man is helping the police with their enquiries.没有人被捕,但是有一名男子正接受警方讯问。We've had many enquiries from concerned customers.我们接到了有关顾客提出的很多查询。Our office is open every day and can help you with all your general enquiries.我们的办公室每天都对外办公,提供各类普通查询帮助。He has said he will cooperate fully with the police enquiries.他说他对警方的调查将全力配合。Despite numerous searches and enquiries, her whereabouts are still unknown.尽管已经找了许多次,也问了许多人,但她仍下落不明。He would rebuff enquiries in such a way as to preclude any further discussion.他会断然拒绝询问,使得无法进行进一步的讨论。They're usually fairly prompt in dealing with enquiries.他们回复咨询通常都比较快。My responsibilities include answering the phone and dealing with customer enquiries.我的职责包括接听电话,回复客户的垂询。We have only just put the house up for sale, and we've already received lots of enquiries.我们刚刚把房子拿出去出售,就已经有很多人来打听情况了。He's in the nick helping the coppers with their enquiries.他在警察局协助调查。The family made discreet enquiries about his background.那家人小心翼翼地打听他的背景。She has been released on bail pending further enquiries.她取保候审。Police officers carried out house-to-house enquiries.警员挨家挨户进行了调查。All enquiries should be addressed to head office.所有询问应向总公司提出。Police believe he can help them with their enquiries into a robbery.警方相信他可以协助调查一起抢劫案。The committee directed its enquiries to Mrs Taylor.委员会将调查矛头指向泰勒夫人。We graduate next month and most of my classmates are already making enquiries about jobs.我们下个月毕业,大多数同学都已经在打听工作的事了。Directory enquiries will give you the number if you cannot find it in the telephone book.电话簿里要是找不到,查号台能告诉你号码。They are introducing a system for dealing with enquiries from customers.他们正在推行一套处理客户查询的系统。You mustn't worry. These are just routine enquiries.你不必担心,这只是例行的询问。Police are making house-to-house enquiries.警察正进行挨家挨户的调查。Predictably the president parried enquiries about the arms scandal.正如所料,总统回避了有关武器丑闻的种种调查。Police are carrying out house-to-house enquiries in the hope of finding the missing girl.警方正在挨家挨户地询问以期找到失踪的女孩。General enquiries are dealt with by our head office.普通的咨询由我们总部来处理。He dialled directory enquiries.他打了查号台电话。I've made exhaustive enquiries, but haven't been able to find what I want.我已经进行了全面彻底的查问,但仍未找到我所要的。I have undertaken all the enquiries personally. There is no one else in the know.我亲自负责回答一应询问。没有其他人知道内情。The faculty welcomes enquiries from prospective entrants.学院欢迎有意申请者垂询。They were released on police bail pending further enquiries.警方允许他们保释等候进一步调查。Our discreet enquiries availed us nothing.我们小心谨慎地打听,但没有结果。I'm making enquiries into the possibility of going by train.我在打听能否乘火车去。We are opening a hotline for enquiries about the product.我们要开通一条这个产品的咨询热线。The man's identity was being kept secret while he was helping police with enquiries.这个男子在协助警方调查时,他的身份是保密的。After the disaster, the police had a flood of enquiries about missing relatives.灾难发生后,警方接到大量对失踪亲属的查询。




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