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词汇 bamboo
例句 Two buckets hung from a bamboo pole across his shoulders.他肩上的一根竹扁担上吊着一对水桶。The bamboo forest burst into flower and then died off.竹林突然开花,然后一株一株死去。A man poled his bamboo raft across a shallow river.一个男人撑着竹筏驶过了浅河。The recipe is prepared with bamboo shoots. 这个食谱的配方就是竹笋。Those bamboo beams will not bear.这几根竹制的横梁承受不住压力。The house is full of bamboo furniture.这宅子里全是竹制家具。The stems are dark green and glossy, not unlike a young bamboo cane.这些茎是深绿色的,非常光滑,和小竹条有些相似。The fishing rod is made of split bamboo.这钓鱼竿是用劈开的竹子做的。They slept badly on the hard bamboo floor.竹地板很硬,他们睡得不好。Over the centuries, the bamboo flute became deeply entwined in the life of Japan.几世纪来,竹笛已与日本人的生活紧密联系在一起。This bamboo basket is my own work.这只竹篮是我自己编的。The furniture is crafted from bamboo.这件家具是用竹子精心制作而成的。They had constructed a simple shelter out of bamboo and palm leaves.他们用竹子和棕榈树叶搭了个简单的遮棚。We make many things out of bamboo.我们用竹子做成许多东西。 Sadly, bamboo plants die after flowering.可惜的是,竹子开花后便会死的。Some furniture is made of bamboo.有些家具是竹制的。It is well known that bamboo shoots are a panda's staple diet.众所周知,竹笋是熊猫的主要食物。He made her a toy horse, using just some straw and bamboo twigs.他就用了一些稻草和竹枝给她做了个玩具马。Use bamboo canes to support tall plants.使用竹竿支撑高大的植物。Fresh bamboo shoots will be on the market this month.新鲜竹笋本月将上市。




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