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词汇 encountered
例句 The expedition encountered adverse weather conditions.探险队遇到了不利的气候条件。Renata wrote him that she had encountered her long-estranged father.雷娜塔写信告诉他说她碰到了分离多年的父亲。Many of the children encountered some difficulty in learning the material.这些孩子中许多人在学习这种教材时都遇到过一定困难。When she visited the school she was brought face to face with the problems encountered by teachers every day.参观学校时,她面对的是老师每天都要遇到的问题。The government has encountered strong opposition over its plans to build a new airport.政府建造新机场的计划遭到强烈的反对。We encountered problems early in the project.在这个项目运行初期,我们遇到了一些困难。They encountered numerous difficulties in conducting the experiment.他们在做这项实验时碰到了许多困难。I first encountered him when studying at Cambridge.我第一次遇到他是在剑桥读书时。She had never encountered such deep prejudice before.她以前从未遭遇过如此深的偏见。He has encountered some auditory problems after he turned over 70.他年过七十之后就一直有些听觉上的问题。It was rare that she encountered interesting people through her work.她在工作中很少遇到有意思的人。We encountered problems early on in the project.我们在该项目的初期便遇到了难题。He genuinely believes that he has encountered extraterrestrial aliens.他确实相信自己遇到了外星人。Dina encountered a fair amount of envy among her colleagues.迪娜遭到了不少同事的妒嫉。The doctor had encountered several similar cases in the past.那位医生过去曾碰到过好几个类似的病例。The rebels encountered no opposition on their march into the city.叛军在进城的过程中没有遇到抵抗。The government has encountered strong opposition to its plans to raise income tax.政府欲提高所得税的方案遭到了强烈反对。We encountered a snag in the implementation of this project.在实施这个方案时我们遇见了一个潜在的困难。Her suggestion has encountered a lot of opposition.她的建议遭到很多反对。In the countryside as a young doctor she encountered ancient superstitious beliefs and prejudices.作为一名年轻医生,她在乡下见识了古老的迷信思想和偏见。They've never encountered any difficulties.他们从未遇到任何困难。I encountered great difficulties in learning English grammar.我在学习英文文法时遇到了很大困难。We encountered a new set of problems.我们遇到了一系列新问题。Forces encountered heavily armed paramilitaries.军队遭遇了全副武装的准军事组织队伍。Military forces have encountered a few pockets of resistance.军队遭遇了小范围抵抗。The researchers encountered many problems but they soldiered on.研究人员遭遇诸多困难,但他们迎难而上。Construction workers building the tunnel have encountered a number of obstructions.修筑隧道的建筑工人遇到了许多障碍。The wine towns encountered are, on the whole, quiet and modest.所到的酒镇总的来说都是宁静祥和的。He encountered boars, wild dogs, and wolves in the woods.在森林中他遇到过野猪,野狗和狼。The first person she encountered was Cyril Scott.她遇到的第一个人是西瑞尔‧史考特。Environmental problems they found in Poland were among the worst they encountered.他们在波兰发现的环境问题是他们遇到过的最严重的。We encountered the pathetic sight of a family packing up its home.我们目睹了一家人正在收拾家当准备离开的凄惨景象。Among the difficulties encountered was a lack of cooperation on the part of the authorities.遇到的困难之一就是缺少权力机关的合作。He said that he had encountered rampant prejudice in his attempts to get a job.他说他在找工作时,四处遭遇歧视。Walruses were commonly encountered in the Shetland Islands until recently.以往在设得兰群岛遇到海象是很寻常的事,最近情况有所不同了。They encountered serious problems when two members of the expedition were injured.两名远征队员受伤,他们遇到了严重的问题。We encountered a whole array of problems. 我们遇到了很多问题。I encountered an old friend on a recent business trip.最近一次出差时,我意外遇到了一个老朋友。I once encountered them together taking an airing in the park.我有一次碰到他们一起在公园散步。She encountered difficulties at every turn.她老是遇到困难。




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