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词汇 enchanted
例句 The sorcerer enchanted the beautiful princess.巫师使漂亮的公主中了魔法。The magician knew that behind the door lay an enchanted garden.巫师知道门背后是一座被施了魔法的花园。We were all enchanted by the island.我们都被这个岛屿所吸引。The family was enchanted with the cute little girl.这一家子非常喜欢这个漂亮的小姑娘。He had always been in love with the enchanted landscape of the West.他一向热爱西部的迷人风光。The giants awoke from their enchanted slumber.中了魔法的巨人从昏睡中醒来。She enchanted all her friends.她把她所有的朋友都迷住了。Frederick often said he was enchanted by me.弗雷德里克经常说被我迷住了。She was enchanted with the flowers you sent her.她对你送给她的花欣喜不已。The book has enchanted children for almost a century.近一个世纪以来,这本书深受儿童喜爱。King Arthur hid his treasures here and Merlin enchanted the cave so that nobody should ever find them.亚瑟王将他的财宝藏在这里,墨林对洞穴施了魔法,这样永远不会有人找到那些财宝。Visitors will be enchanted by the beauty of the place.游客们将被这个地方的美丽所迷住。They met in Paris one enchanted afternoon in early autumn.在初秋的一个下午,他们如上天安排般在巴黎相遇了。The audience was clearly enchanted by her performance.观众显然陶醉于她的演出中。She enchanted you as she has so many others.她迷住了你,就像她迷住了其他那么多人一样。Dena was enchanted by the house.德娜非常喜欢那座房子。It's a beautiful, enchanted place.这是一个美丽的、令人着迷的地方。The story takes place in an enchanted forest.故事发生在一个被施了魔法的森林里。I was enchanted by the way she smiled.她微笑时的样子让我陶醉。Don't expect young children to be as enchanted with the scenery as you are.不要指望小孩子们像你一样为那种景色所陶醉。Gregory was still enchanted with Shannon's youth and joy and beauty.格雷戈里仍为香农的朝气、快乐和美丽着迷。




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