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词汇 emotional
例句 I knew I would have to be very careful how I handled Odette - she was so emotional.我知道对待奥黛特得十分小心—她太情绪化了。He has undergone tremendous emotional problems following the breakdown of his marriage.他婚姻破裂之后遭遇了严重的情绪问题。The week's emotional turmoil had drained me.这一周情绪上的波动让我精疲力竭。The comedy packs an unexpected emotional wallop.那部喜剧带来了意想不到的情感冲击。The existence of an emotional undertow is an aspect of all politics.隐藏的情绪是所有政治权术的一个方面。The emotional climax of the story comes when Sorrell is dying.故事的情感高潮出现在索雷尔咽下最后一口气时。The existence of an emotional undertow is an aspect of all politics.具有情绪感召力是所有政治的一个方面。She claimed that the way she had been treated at work had caused her extreme emotional and psychological distress.她说自己在工作中受到的待遇让她在情感和心理上都感到非常痛苦。People need emotional attachment.人们需要情感依靠。They're working hard to make an emotional connection with their adopted children.他们正努力与他们收养的孩子们建立感情。Some students unburden themselves of emotional problems that faculty members feel ill equipped to handle.一些学生倾诉了情感问题,教师们觉得无力解决的。Doctors must consider the emotional and spiritual needs of their patients.医生必须考虑病人的情感和精神需求。All these works relate somehow to the artist's emotional life.所有这些作品都与该艺术家的感情生活存在着某种联系。Kids are put under a tremendous emotional strain when their parents separate.父母分居,小孩子就要承受巨大的情感压力。W. Somerset Maugham's novel still packs an emotional punch.威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆的小说仍具有强烈的情感冲击力。The prizewinner gave an emotional acceptance speech.获胜者发表了动情的获奖感言。The divorce was an emotional roller coaster for both of them.离婚对他们俩都是一种感情上的剧变。He subjected his wife to physical and emotional abuse.他让妻子遭受了身心的双重摧残。Most couples remember the arrival of their first baby as a highly emotional time.在许多夫妻的记忆中,第一个孩子的出生是非常激动的时刻。In his present emotional state, he is capable of doing anything.在目前的情绪状态下,他什么事都做得出来。I didn't mean to get you sore. I was feeling emotional.我并非有意惹你生气,我是一时情绪激动。He delivered an emotional resignation speech.他发表了一篇令人动情的辞职演说。We can't let him practise this emotional blackmail on us.我们不能听任他对我们进行这样的情感勒索。Shevchenko made an emotional return to his former team.舍甫琴科重返以前效力的球队,令人激动。She had always been afraid of any emotional entanglements.她总是害怕有什么感情瓜葛。Many British films lack emotional punch.许多英国电影都缺乏感染力。Maya's been going through a period of emotional upheaval.玛雅一直在经历情感的剧变期。My doctor said the problem was more emotional than physical.我的医生说问题主要出在情感方面而不是身体机能上。Often there are emotional reasons paralleling the financial ones.往往情感方面的原因和经济方面原因同时存在。How much emotional baggage is he bringing with him into the relationship?他背负着多重的感情包袱开始这段恋情?The parents of an art student who disappeared in the middle of his exams have made an emotional plea for him to come home.一名艺术系学生考试中途出走,他的父母伤心地恳求他回家。For most people, sex is the physical consummation of emotional and spiritual intimacy.对大多数人来说,性行为是情感与心灵交融的身体结合。We feel that we have had our fill of disappointments and emotional upsets.我们觉得已经受够了失望和情绪困扰。The three week trial turned out to be an emotional ordeal for everyone involved.三个星期的审讯对牵涉到的每一个人来说都是一种精神折磨。The president has made an emotional plea for the killing to stop.总统恳切地呼吁停止屠杀。He found himself becoming the emotional prop of the family.他发现自己成了家中的感情支柱。Some experts believe that strengthening our emotional endurance is vital for a happy life.一些专家认为,增强情感耐受力对拥有幸福的生活而言至关重要。Their relationship was an emotional seesaw.他们的关系像感情跷跷板。He lacks the emotional maturity to appreciate poetry.他情感上还不够成熟,欣赏不了诗歌。The candidate made an emotional concession speech when it was clear that he had lost.那位候选人在确定选举失利的情况下发表了感人的落选演讲。




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