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词汇 signed
例句 They signed in at the reception desk.他们在接待处登了记。Companies have signed on as business partners with high schools across the country.公司已经同意与全国各地的中学结成商业伙伴。I signed off when I got a job.我找到工作后签字放弃了失业救济。The document must be signed by an authorized signatory of the company.这份文件必须由该公司授权的签字人签署。Before long they had signed with Virgin.他们不久就和维珍唱片公司签了约。France has just signed a new trade deal with Japan.法国刚刚和日本签署了一项新的贸易协定。The industry has signed a non-binding agreement to reduce pollution.该企业签署了一份无法律约束力的协议减少污染。Things moved quickly once the contract was signed.合同一签,事情进展就很快了。Once we signed the contract, the die was cast, and there was no turning back.我们一旦签了这份合同,就成定局了,不能再改了。Delegates signed a treaty to reduce the armouries of conventional weapons in Europe.各代表签署了协议以减少欧洲的常规武器装备。The countries have signed a nonaggression treaty/pact. 两国签订了互不侵犯条约/协定。The treaty was signed despite some haggling over the particulars of each country's stock of weapons.尽管在各国武器储备的具体细节上各方仍争论不休,条约还是签署了。The studio has signed her on to do another movie.电影公司签约雇用她拍摄另一部影片。They have signed lucrative contracts.他们已经签订了获利丰厚的合同。They signed the treaty after several years of negotiation.经过几年的谈判他们签署了协约。All programmes will be either 'signed' or subtitled.所有节目要么要配手语要么要打字幕。The band then signed to Slash Records.随后乐队和伤痕唱片公司签约。The bowl was signed on the bottom by the artist.碗底有艺术家的签名。I signed a contract and I am obligated to fulfil it.我签了合同,就有义务履行。Major repainting work now needs to be signed off by a qualified engineer.现在重要的重新油漆工作需要有资质的工程师签字认可。He took his pen out and signed on the spot.他掏出笔,当场签了名。The documents were signed over a friendly drink.这些文件是在友好小酌时签署的。The two foreign ministers signed the document today.两位外交大臣今天签署了公文。I signed my name and blotted the paper.我签完名后把纸上的墨吸干。Certain classes of mail have to be signed for when they are delivered.某些类的邮件在送达时必须签收。She moved into the new house as soon as the papers were signed.文件一签好她就搬进了新房屋。The storekeeper signed a complaint accusing them of shoplifting.店主签署了控告书,指控他们在店里扒窃货物。They signed each other's yearbooks.他们各自在对方的学校年刊上签了名。The TV station has signed an exclusive deal to show every game of the season.这家电视台已经签署独家转播本赛季所有比赛的协议。I haven't signed any contracts yet - I want to keep my options open.我还没有签任何合同—我想暂且不作决定。The Security Council aim to ensure compliance by all sides, once an agreement is signed.一旦签署协议,安理会的目标就是保证各方都要遵守。We have a signed statement from a witness.我们有一份目击者签名的陈述。She's signed on for another movie.她签约拍摄另一部影片。Negotiators have already squared away a lot of the agreements that will be signed at the Earth Summit.谈判人员已经把很多将在地球峰会上签署的协议准备妥当。I signed the contract on the understanding that delivery would be this week.我以本周交货为条件签订了合同。The President signed a proclamation declaring martial law.总统签署了公告,宣布戒严。Shell signed a contract to develop oil and gas reserves near Archangel.壳牌石油公司签订了一份开采阿尔汉格尔附近的石油和天然气资源的合同。We have a signed affidavit stating that the two men were seen entering the building.我们有一份由证人签过字的书面证词,证实有人看见那两个男子进入了大楼。With a stroke of the pen he signed away his claim to the family estate.他大笔一挥,签字放弃了对家产的权利。The country's warring factions have signed a peace treaty. 这个国家的交战各方签署了和平协定。




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