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例句 He looked/glanced significantly in her direction when he said that some of us are not doing our jobs.当他说到我们中有些人没有做本职工作时,意味深长地看/瞥了她一眼。The Democrats, significantly, finished well behind the Green Party.值得注意的是,民主党的得票数远远落后于绿党。This leads to a depreciation of the mother, who is seen as significantly lacking.这会导致对母亲的轻视,认为母亲十分愚蠢。These drugs can significantly delay the onset of the disease.这些药可以大大延缓这种病的发作。The nation's eating habits have changed significantly.国内的饮食习惯发生了重大变化。Using the Internet can significantly reduce transaction costs.因特网的使用可以大大减少交易成本。The effects of the sun can be significantly reduced if we follow certain guidelines.如果我们遵循某些做法,日晒的影响会显著降低。If I wanted to improve the car significantly I would have to pull it apart and start again.如果想好好地改进这辆车,我将不得不把它拆开重装。Health problems can be significantly reduced by careful diet.通过注意饮食可以大大减少健康方面的问题。The scandal significantly damaged her career.这次丑闻严重影响了她的事业。A Harvard University survey found that Americans significantly overestimate the cost of higher education.哈佛大学一项调查显示,美国人大大高估了高等教育的费用。Catches of Scottish salmon have declined significantly.苏格兰鲑鱼的捕获量显著下降。The number of MPs now supporting him had increased significantly.现在支持他的议员人数显著增加。The actual action of the drug can be prolonged significantly.这种药物实际起作用的时间可以大大延长。If you take my advice, your chances of winning will increase/improve significantly.如果你接受我的建议,你获胜的机会将会大大提高。A glass or two of wine will not significantly add to the calorie count.一两杯葡萄酒不会显著增加热量。The news fuelled speculation that the President's health had become significantly worse.这消息加深了人们对总统身体健康明显恶化的猜测。The price of oil has dropped significantly.油价大幅下降。The effects of the sun can be significantly reduced if we follow certain guidelines.如果我们遵循某些建议,日晒的影响会大大降低。Use of the new nets has significantly decreased the number of dolphins killed accidentally each year.使用新式渔网大大减少了每年海豚意外死亡的数目。Scores in the test were not significantly related to gender.这项测试的分数与性别没有太大关联。It was noted that within a year the incidence of illness had increased quite significantly.据观察一年之内发病率显著上升。Conditions have improved significantly.情况得到了极大改善。This operation will greatly/dramatically/significantly improve her chances of survival.这次手术将大大提高她的存活机会。Social organization differs significantly between the different groups.不同群体的社会组织大不一样。With the use of immunizations in babies, the mortality rate has dropped significantly.开展婴儿免疫接种以来,死亡率显著下降了。Consuming large amounts of alcohol can significantly reduce a man's potency.大量饮酒会大大降低男子的性机能。As an organization, we've grown significantly.作为一个机构,我们已经有了相当大的发展。In our study, significantly more miners complained of weight loss than the general population.我们的研究发现,与大众相比,更多矿工抱怨体重减轻。Getting the money upfront will improve our cash flow significantly.得到预付款可以极大地提高我们的现金流转速度。We had to deviate significantly from our usual route.我们不得不大大偏离我们通常走的路线。Employment levels are unlikely to rise significantly before the end of next year.在明年年底之前就业率很难有大幅度上升。We are largely insulated from significantly higher costs.我们基本上未受显著增加的成本的影响。Studies suggest that regular intake of the vitamin significantly improves brain function.研究表明定期服用维生素会显着增强大脑功能。All ovens are different, and cooking times can vary significantly.所有的烤箱都不一样,烘烤时间也大不相同。The normalization of unemployment significantly increased public responsibility for the jobless.失业的平常化使得公众对于失业人群的责任感大大增加。Under the draft proposals, the Commission will be significantly strengthened.根据建议草案,该委员会将大大得到加强。High winds significantly hampered the plane's acceleration.强风严重影响了飞机的加速。The new version differs significantly from the old one.新版本和旧版本差别很大。The gap between the candidates has narrowed significantly.候选人之间的差距明显缩小。




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