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词汇 a matter of
例句 All requests for free tickets are turned down as a matter of policy. 所有免票申请都因为政策问题遭拒。His success is just a matter of dumb luck.他的成功只不过是因为运气好。Get the doctor to come quickly and tell him it's a matter of life and death.要医生赶快来,告诉他这是生死攸关的事情。It's only a matter of time before they find out.他们早晚会发现,这只是时间问题而已。It is a matter of what the clubs need at a given period.关键在于俱乐部在某个特定时期需要什么。There is a matter of some delicacy which I would like to discuss.有件有点儿棘手的事我想要商量一下。As a matter of fact his remarks overrode your motion.事实上,他的评论否决了你的提议。The rebels' ammunition is almost finished and it is only a matter of time before they surrender.叛乱分子的弹药就快耗尽了,他们投降只是时间问题。It's all a matter of taste.这纯粹是审美能力的问题。In a matter of days she was back at work.才几天的工夫,她就回来工作了。This should not be a matter of indifference to you.这对你而言不能说是无关紧要的事。They are whisked through the immigration and customs formalities in a matter of minutes.给他们办理入境和通关手续只用了短短几分钟时间。The choice of terms is merely a matter of practical expediency.选择措词只不过是一件视实际方便而定的事而已。It is only a matter of time before he leaves.他早晚都要离开,只是时间的问题。We shook hands as a matter of form.我们照例握握手。Voting through cuts in benefits to the poorest people is a matter of shame for all of us.投票通过削减最贫困人民福利的计划,是我们所有人的羞耻。Which cards you're given is simply a matter of chance.你拿到什么样的牌全靠运气。Oh, lighten up! It's not a matter of life or death.哎呀,放松点!这又不是关系到生死的事。It was a matter of necessity.这是一件非做不可的事。I think the rights and wrongs of eating meat are a matter of personal belief.我认为食肉是对还是错是个人信仰问题。That procedure should be streamlined as a matter of urgency.那个程序应当简化,这是当务之急。Anti-Semitism is not only a matter of restricted clubs.排犹主义不仅仅表现于存在着犹太人被排除在外的白人俱乐部。I don't lend my friends money as a matter of policy.我的原则是不借钱给朋友。The ambulance arrived in a matter of minutes.救护车几分钟内就到了。Social progress is normally a matter of struggles and conflicts.社会进步通常是斗争和冲突的结果。The company is doing very well. As a matter of fact, we've doubled our sales budget.公司经营状况非常好,事实上我们的销售预算增加了一倍。It is a matter of importance.这是一件重要的事。It is a matter of convention that male business people usually wear suits.男性商人一般穿成套西装,这是个习惯问题。The exact relationship between the two languages is a matter of dispute among scholars.这两种语言之间的确切关系在学者中间存在争议。It should be a matter of individual conscience.这应该是个人良知的问题。As a matter of course, war followed.作为必然的结果,战争接着爆发。It's a matter of fact that the team have not performed as well this season.这个赛季球队表现不好,这是事实。This time the journey was short, a matter of four or five miles up into the hills.这次旅行很短,到达山区也就四五英里的路程。It is a matter of necessity to wear formal clothes when meeting the Queen.拜见女王时必须穿礼服。What type of bicycle you should buy is very much a matter of personal taste.要买什么款式的自行车完全视乎个人爱好而定。The whole controversy is a matter of semantics. 整场争论是由人们对语义理解的分歧引起的。As a matter of fact, the twins were played by one person.事实上,这对双胞胎是由一个人扮演的。It is a matter of grave concern.这是个非常令人担心的问题。It is a matter of peculiar interest.这是一件有特殊意义的事。French conversation is not a matter of inane comments on the weather.法国人之间的谈话决非评论天气的无谓客套。




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