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词汇 electoral
例句 The party still hopes to revive its flagging electoral fortunes.这个政党仍然希望扭转它不济的选举时运。The President set up the Institute in fulfilment of a promise of electoral reform.为了履行有关选举改革的诺言,总统创建了这个机构。I don't know how the electoral system operates in France.我不知道法国的选举制度是如何运转的。The electoral timetable seems to be out of joint with the need for change.选举时间表似乎有些混乱,需要改动一下。Make sure your name is on the electoral register in good time.要确保你的名字及早记录在选民登记册上。The ruling party lost the electoral battle to the opposition alliance.执政党在这场选举战中败于反对党联盟。The right made huge electoral gains.右翼在选举中获得巨大的收获。The electoral system favoured mainstream parties.选举制度对主流政党有利。If you don't get your name on the electoral register you may be disenfranchised.你若没有在选民登记册上登记名字,有可能会失去选举权。The Party wanted root and branch electoral reform.该党希望对选举进行彻底的改革。Protests disrupted the electoral process in the southern region.抗议活动打乱了南部地区的选举进程。Many students are not on the electoral register.很多学生不在选民名册中。It is a requirement in electoral law for polling to be in secret.选举法要求投票必须采取无记名方式。The electoral fortunes of the Liberal Democratic party may decline.自由民主党的选举运势可能会下降。They are accused of medical/financial/electoral malpractice.他们被控医疗事故/财务舞弊/选举舞弊。The emergency would have dragged on had he not taken the electoral plunge last year.要不是他去年在选举问题上当机立断,紧急状态就有可能继续下去。Southwark electoral services conduct a canvass of the whole borough every year.南华克区选举服务中心每年都在全区进行意见征集活动。The report strongly favours reform of the electoral system.报告强烈支持对选举制度进行改革。The complicated electoral system effectively guarantees the president's re-election.复杂的选举制度有效地保证总统再次当选。Over the last few years Japan's socialists have seen their electoral popularity take a roller-coaster ride.在过去的几年里,日本社会党在选民中的支持率忽高忽低。Recent electoral shocks have shaken the European political landscape.最近的选举风波震动了欧洲的政治舞台。Nobody predicted such an electoral landslide.没有人预见到选举会出现这样一边倒的局面。They are trying to woo back electoral support.他们正试图赢回选民的支持。The electoral council announced that all eligible people would get a chance to vote.选举委员会宣布所有符合条件者都有机会投票。Party leaders met to discuss a new constitution and an electoral timetable.政党领袖聚在一起讨论新宪法及大选时间表。Delegates have voted by a narrow majority in favour of considering electoral reform.代表们投票表决,以微弱多数票赞同考虑选举制度的改革。The party's flat-footed performance leaves doubts about its electoral competence.该党蹩脚的表现让人对其竞选实力生疑。The hand of the military authorities can be seen in the entire electoral process.整个选举过程中都能看出军方的介入。He claims that their electoral system ensures fair representation of all parties.他声称他们的选举体制确保所有政党的公平参政。It was an opportunity to bring Georgia's electoral process into closer alignment with European standards.这是个使格鲁吉亚的选举进程更符合欧洲标准的机会。This was the first of her many electoral successes.她多次当选,这是第一次胜利。The electoral council announced that all eligible people would get a chance to vote.选举委员会宣布,所有有资格者都将获得投票的机会。He resigned in a last-ditch attempt to save his party from electoral defeat.为了避免他所在的政党在大选中失利,他使出了最后一招——辞去了领导职务。The current electoral law is still heavily weighted in favour of the ruling party.现行的选举法仍然对执政党非常有利。The party intends to zealously protect the electoral progress it has made.该党打算全力保护已取得的选举进展。The electoral system in this country should be changed.这个国家的选举制度应进行改革。Who will reform our unfair electoral system?谁将改革我们不公正的选举制度呢?Gonzalez has conducted an impressive electoral campaign.冈萨雷斯进行了一场令人印象深刻的选举宣传活动。The Mongolian Democratic Party is campaigning for electoral reform.蒙古民主党正发起运动争取选举改革。It is difficult to reach a consensus about electoral reform.要就选举改革达成共识很困难。




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