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词汇 altered
例句 The medication caused her to enter an altered state of consciousness.这种药使她进入到一种变异的意识状态。They had the puppies altered before they were sold.他们在卖这些小狗前把它们都阉割了。It hardly altered the fact that I was under an obligation to listen to her.这几乎改变不了我必须听她的话这一事实。General Motors agreed to supply trucks to the Chinese government on condition that they altered their pricing policy on cars.通用汽车公司同意向中国政府提供卡车,条件是他们必须修改汽车的价格政策。In the evening my mood altered and pain turned to rage.晚上我的情绪发生了变化,痛苦转化成了愤怒。I don't think it has fundamentally altered the sport.我认为它并没有从根本上改变这项运动。The setting of the thermostat that controls the central heating had been altered.控制中央供暖的恒温设置被人改动过了。His mood suddenly altered and he seemed a little annoyed.他的情绪突然变了,似乎有点不高兴。We altered course to the westward.我们改道向西去。The tailor altered the jacket to fit me.裁缝将夹克修改得合我的身。Non-native plants have colonized the area and altered the natural ecology.外来的植物在这一地区蔓生,改变了当地原有的自然生态系统。I'll need to have/get the dress altered before the wedding.我要在婚礼之前请人把这身礼服改改。Their songs altered the landscape of popular music.他们的歌曲改变了流行乐坛的格局。My relationships with friends have been irrevocably altered by my illness.我的这场病彻底改变了我和朋友们之间的关系。The government has altered the rules governing eligibility for unemployment benefit.政府已经修改了有关领取失业救济金资格的规章制度。The boat altered course during the storm.船在暴风雨中改变了航线。The file was altered to falsify the evidence.文件被动了手脚来伪造证据。Giving up our car has radically altered our lifestyle.弃车不用使我们的生活方式发生了根本性的变化。He altered his will to leave everything to his sister.他更改了他的遗嘱,把全部财产都留给了他的妹妹。Communication has altered things somewhat.沟通使情况有所改观。We have literally altered the chemistry of our planet's atmosphere.我们已经真正改变了我们所在星球的大气化学结构。The advances in communications altered the nature of information processing.通讯技术的进步使信息处理发生了质的改变。He altered his appearance with surgery.他通过手术改变了自己的形象。Later, we see this character again in a slightly altered form.后面我们还会看到这个人,只是形体稍有改变。The altered landscape looked unnatural and weird.改造后的景观看上去一反常态,有点怪异。Little had altered in the village.村子里几乎没有什么变化。They have fundamentally altered the rationale for military spending.他们从本质上改变了军事支出的依据。This one small event altered the course of history.这一个小事件改变了历史进程。None of the study subjects altered his or her diet in any other way.研究对象均未以任何其他方式改变饮食。Conditions have altered radically.情况已发生剧变。Their attitude to me altered subtly.他们对我的态度发生了微妙的变化。Computers allow the plans to be fine-tuned and to be altered quickly.计算机使得这些图样能够得到细调,并且可以迅速更改。You might be able to get it altered, but don't bank on it.你也许能够将它改一下,但别指望太多。He's already altered several of the proposals in his economic plan to accommodate demands of special interests.他已经改动了经济计划中的几项提议以迁就特殊利益集团的要求。She had the dress altered for the wedding.她让人把礼服改一下婚礼上穿。Has she altered her mind?她改变主意了吗? Her expression suddenly altered.她的表情一下子变了。June's events completely altered the political landscape.六月份的事件完全改变了政治格局。The font and type size were altered, and the line breaks were mangled.字体和字号变了,行间距也乱了。The situation has altered radically since last week.上周以来局势急剧变化。




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