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词汇 running around
例句 They've been running around together for some time.他们交往已有些时候了。You don't put on weight when you spend all day running around after small children.你整天不歇脚地跟在小孩们后面转是胖不起来的。I spend all day running around after the family.我一整天都跟着这家人跑来跑去。The kids and ourselves were playing and running around.孩子们和我们在一起玩耍奔跑。Sean came running around the corner of the house with a small dog snapping at his heels.肖恩在屋子转角处跑过来,身后跟着一只小狗要咬他。I'm exhausted - I've been running around all morning.我累坏了——整个上午我一直忙个不停。As the dog got more and more excited, it started running around in circles.那狗越来越兴奋,竟绕着圈子跑了起来。Everyone was running around naked. It was totally whacked.每个人都光着身子跑来跑去,简直太不可思议了。Jackie was running around with all these brilliant people.杰姬混迹于这些才华横溢的人之间。The children were running around in the garden.孩子们在花园里跑来跑去。I seem to spend most of my time running around after those kids.我大部分时间好像都在围着那些孩子们转。I'm completely done in after all that running around.四处跑来跑去,累死我了。I've been running around in circles trying to get all the reports finished before the meeting.我一直在瞎忙,想在会前写完所有的报告,可是却毫无头绪。The kids were running around and being silly.孩子们到处跑来跑去在胡闹。I hear that David is running around with a schoolgirl.我听说戴维正在和一个女学生混在一起。He started running around with a gang of teenagers.他开始和一帮青少年厮混。I've spent all day running around after the kids.我整天都在侍候孩子们。She had a skid running around the corner and fell on the wet floor.她跑过拐角时滑了一下,摔倒在潮湿的地板上。I spent the whole day running around doing errands.我花了一整天时间四处跑腿办事。Stop running around and get into bed!别乱跑了,快上床!He is well-known for running around.他到处乱搞都出了名了。I've been running around all day trying to organize a party.我整天都在四处奔忙,想要组织一个聚会。He was running around babbling about someone named Tulkeke.他四处乱跑,嘴里含糊不清地叫着一个名叫塔尔克克的人。She's running around with Micky and his friends these days.近来她老是跟米基还有他的那些朋友混在一起。I had been running around southern England in a whirlwind of activity.我一直在英格兰南部地区辗转奔走,处理应接不暇的事务。Maria was running around trying to get the house tidy.玛丽亚在忙着收拾房子。He was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. 他像一只没头苍蝇似的瞎忙乎。I feel like I have been running around in circles with this project.我觉得自己好像整天都在围着这个项目瞎转悠。No one noticed we had been running around emptying bins and cleaning up.没有人注意到我们一直都在东奔西跑地倒垃圾,打扫卫生。I've been running around all day.我一整天都在忙忙碌碌的。I've spent all afternoon running around the office collecting contributions for Janice's leaving present.我整个下午都在办公室里跑来跑去,为给贾尼丝买临别礼物收份子钱。The children were running around outside.孩子们在外面嬉闹玩耍。I will not have you running around the countryside without my authority.不经过我同意,我不会让你在乡下东奔西跑的。He's been running around the office this morning like a man possessed.他今天上午一直在办公室里跑来跑去,像个疯子似的。The kids were running around, working off their surplus energy.孩子们到处乱跑,消耗着过剩的精力。The toddlers were running around the garden in the nude.几个学步年龄的儿童什么也没穿在花园里到处跑。




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