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词汇 Running
例句 Running a marathon is seen by many as the ultimate test of endurance.许多人将跑马拉松视为对耐力极限的挑战。Running into the street like that is a surefire way to get hurt.那样跑到路上去肯定会受伤的。Running a marathon is a test of human endurance.马拉松长跑是对人耐力的考验。Running is an excellent way to burn off excess calories.跑步是消耗多余热量的极好办法。Running a kitchen involves a great deal of discipline and speed.料理好厨房需要把一切都安排得规规矩矩,且要讲求速度。Running around after the kids keeps me fit.追着孩子们到处跑使我保持健康。Running the business on my own can be a burden at times.自己做生意有时也是一个负担。Running is my favourite sport.跑步是我最喜欢的运动。Running a farm is hard work.经营农场是件苦差事。Running their own business, they felt they had finally arrived.在经营自己的生意时,他们感到终于成功了。Running away was an act of defiance against his parents.离家出走是他反抗父母的行为。Running can be hell on your knees. 跑步可能对你的膝盖十分有害。Running the marathon tests a person's endurance.马拉松赛跑考验人的耐力。Running costs are coming down because of cheaper fuel.燃料价格下来了,运营费用也会跟着下降。Running through the tale is a motley collection of loners looking for love.贯穿这个故事的主线是一群形形色色寻求爱情的孤独者。Running your own business usually involves working long hours.自己经营企业通常要长时间工作。Running up sand dunes or jumping waves will burn calories and tone muscles.往沙丘上跑或跳浪有助于消耗热量,强健肌肉。Running a business requires a very different mentality from being a salaried employee.经营企业所要求具备的心态和上班族的心态截然不同。Her code name is "Running Bear".她的代号是“奔跑的熊”。Running down the nuclear industry will result in heavy job losses.收缩核工业将会导致大量失业。Running a marathon takes some/a lot of doing.跑马拉松需要花费很大的气力。Running into his old girlfriend churned up a lot of buried feelings.和过去女朋友的邂逅激起他埋在心底的诸多感情。Running around a freezing hockey field isn't my idea of fun.我可不觉得在寒冷的冰球场上跑来跑去有什么好玩。Running up stairs very fast made him breathless.飞快跑上楼梯使他上气不接下气。Running a mile in under 4 minutes was a seemingly impossible task.四分钟之内跑一英里似乎是不可能的事。Running his own business has really made a man out of Terry.经营自己的企业使特里真正树立了信心。Running the business was one thing. Getting it to make a profit was a different proposition altogether.经营管理企业是一回事,要能使之盈利则完全是另一回事。Running shoes have extra cushioning.跑鞋有额外的减震衬垫。Running along the corridors was strictly forbidden at school.学校严禁在走廊里奔跑。Running is a strenuous exercise.跑步是很耗体力的运动。Running parallel with her increased heart rate, there was an increase in her blood pressure.她的心跳加快,同时血压升高。Running out of gas is annoying and easily avoidable.汽油用完很令人气恼,但也是很容易避免的。Running water had carved a groove down the face of the wall.流水在墙上冲刷出了一道凹槽。Running a television company may no longer be a licence to print money, but it is still highly rewarding.经营电视公司也许不再是一本万利,但依然挺挣钱的。Fraser Clyne has won the Scottish Road Running Championship for the third year in succession.弗雷泽·克莱因已经连续第三年获得苏格兰公路赛跑比赛冠军了。




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