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例句 By the time the rebel troops arrived, the village had already been abandoned.当叛军杀到时,村民们已经撤离了村子。He's already gone.他已经走了。By the time we got back, Nona was already in bed.等到我们回来时,诺娜已经睡觉了。He had already made up his mind before even hearing her side of the story.他没等听到她的解释就已经作出了决定。The recession put a lot of strain on an already rickety economic system.经济衰退期使本来就摇摇欲坠的经济体系雪上加霜。Their achievements have already been analysed in depth and do not require further discussion.他们的成就已经全面分析过了,无需再议。The syndrome is more likely to strike those whose immune systems are already weakened.这种综合征更容易侵袭免疫系统低下的人。It's typical of Ramon to waste time when he knows we're already late.明知我们已经迟了还在浪费时间,这是雷蒙的典型作风。Some students have already been absent on a number of occasions.有些学生已经缺席好几次了。Edwards is already crowing about his assured victory.爱德华兹已经在为自己确定无疑的胜利得意扬扬了。The disclosure has already caused a furore among MPs.对此事的揭露已经在议员中引起了骚动。Workers had already begun excavating the foundations for the house.工人们已经开始为房子挖掘地基了。The meeting was strictly pro forma, since the decision had already been made.会议完全是走过场,因为之前已经做了决定。She was already dreading the moment of parting.她已经在害怕离别时刻的到来。I don't want to perch on this position for good. In fact, I have already asked for a transfer.我并不想永久占据此位置。事实上,我已经申请调职。I'd already summed him up, and I knew he'd be difficult to work with.我早就对他作出了判断,我知道他会是个难以共事的人。The scramble for the film rights to her next novel has already begun.对她下一部小说的电影版权的争夺已经开始了。Look, I've already told you it's not possible.看吧,我跟你说过这根本不可能。His clear and fluent speaking style has already distinguished him from his predecessor.他清晰、流畅的讲话方式已把他与前任区分开来。His achievements have already made him a footballing legend.他的成就已经使他成为足球界的一个传奇人物。Her ability is already apparent in early films.她的才能在早期的电影中已经显露无遗。These measures won't help those students who are already knee-deep in debt.这些措施对那些已经负债累累的学生不会有帮助。The male exclusivity on such jobs as bankers, etc. has already been broken.对诸如银行家之类职位的男性垄断局面已被打破了。Aristocracy was already dead, and democracy was still unborn.贵族统治业已灭亡,民主政权却尚未建立。A pilot episode of Nothing's Impossible has already been filmed.《一切皆有可能》的试播集已拍摄出来了。They had already begun fighting over her.他们已经开始为了她你争我夺。There is already some snow on the upper slopes.斜坡的顶部已有些雪了。Did you toss the newspapers out already?你已经把报纸扔了吗?Goodness gracious! You've finished the work already!天哪!你已经把活做完啦! He has already caused apoplexy with his books on class and on war.他关于阶级和战争的书已经激起了极大的愤怒。When we arrived the party was already in full flow.我们到达时,晚会已进入高潮。The committee has already rubber-stamped the scheme.委员会已经例行公事式地通过了这项计划。It is already agreed that Mr Alfonso Escamez will be the titular head of the new bank.已经达成一致意见,阿方索‧埃斯卡梅斯先生将成为这家新银行的名誉行长。If you receive blood in the United Kingdom it will already have been screened for HIV.要是在英国接受输血,这些血液是已经经过艾滋病病毒筛查的了。She had already cut a couple of tracks as lead singer with her own group.她作为所属演唱组合的主唱已经灌录了几首歌。Wow, he's already done everything he promised. He doesn't fool around, does he? 哇,他承诺的事情都做了。他可没闲着,不是吗?Willan was able to point to the progressive changes he had already introduced.维兰能够找出他已经采用的一些革新。In any event, she was already hopelessly compromised.无论如何,她确实已被连累了。He had already left when I called.我打电话去时,他已走了。Fire and police crews rushed to the scene, but the couple were already dead.消防员和警察迅速赶往现场,但那对情侣已经身亡。




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