例句 |
Adams' cross was dummied by Novo at the front post, allowing Smith to score from close range.诺沃在前门柱处一个假动作让过亚当的传球,让史密斯近距离射门。When I mentioned his name they dummied up.我提到他的名字时,他们都成了哑巴。He dummied his shot, the goalkeeper made his dive and Pele calmly put it in the other corner.贝利假装射门,门将做出了扑救,而贝利冷静地将球送入球门的另一角。The book was dummied and ready to go to press.该书已制样本准备付印。He dummied Whitelaw before scoring.他以假动作骗过怀特洛破门得分。The editor dummied up the front page.编辑制好了头版的样张。 |