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词汇 ridge
例句 The ground inclined steeply towards the ridge in the distance.地势陡峭,陡坡一直延绵至远处的山脊。The cottage is set on a ridge in the Chiltern Hills.这间小屋坐落在奇尔特恩山的山脊上。The palace was built astride a narrow ridge.宫殿横跨狭窄的山脊而建。The moon rose above the ridge of the eastern desert.月亮从东边沙漠隆脊上升起。Once the top of the ridge is reached, the path levels off.一到了山脊顶上,山路就变得平坦了。We made our way carefully along the ridge.我们小心地沿着山脊而行。The sides of the ridge fall away steeply.这道山梁两侧的斜坡很陡。The sky above the ridge of mountains brightened.山脊上方的天空变得明亮起来。A ridge nearby offered a grandstand view of the battle line.从附近的一道山梁上能够一览无余地看到那条战线。A ridge of high pressure is coming up from the south.一个高压脊正从南方逼近。The next day they planned to assail a difficult mountain ridge.第二天他们计划征服一道难爬的山脊。The road runs along the ridge.道路沿着山脊伸展。We hiked along the ridge.我们沿山脊徒步旅行。Larks were rising in spirals from the ridge.云雀从山脊上盘旋着飞起。We drove up a hillside and finally stopped on a high ridge.我们沿著山腰往上开,最后停在一个高高的山脊上。We finally reached the crest of the ridge.我们终于到达了山脉的最高峰。We walked along the narrow mountain ridge.我们沿着狭窄的山脊行进。The fawn ran to the top of the ridge.幼鹿奔向山脊的顶部。The tank stopped with the long snout of its gun turned to the ridge.坦克停了下来,长长的炮管转过来瞄准了山脊。We took the high pass over the ridge.我们从山脊的高山口通过。We clambered up the hillside to the ridge above.我们沿着山坡费力地爬上了山脊。The tracks of mountain goats polka-dotted the dusty ridge.山羊的踪迹使土灰色的山脊上布满斑点。A small ridge of sand separated the field from the beach.一条小小的沙脊把田野和海滩分隔开来。A gust of wind plunged him off the ridge.一阵狂风把他从山脊上刮了下去。A little way below the ridge was an outcrop of rock that made a rough shelter.山脊下方不远处有一块露出地面的岩石,大致形成了一个掩蔽处。The ridge consists entirely of volcanic rock.这处山脊完全由火山岩构成。Every man who could fight was now committed to defend the ridge.每个能够参加战斗的男子现在都决心要保卫这条山脊。A ridge of high pressure is building up strongly over the Atlantic.一个高压脊在大西洋上空快速形成。I could never have climbed that ridge - I'm too out of shape.那山脊我是不可能爬上去的—我身体太虚弱了。A path runs along the ridge.一条小径顺着这条山脊向前延伸。I looked across the mountains, ridge upon ridge.我放眼绵延起伏的群山。The ridge could not be climbed, and the two had to traverse the face instead.从山脊无法登上去,两人只得在脊面作横向攀爬。The infantry were advancing to attack the ridge.步兵部队正在向前挺进攻打山脊。To the east, the ridge falls sheerly down into the sea.山脊陡然向东直入大海。He wanted to be over the line of the ridge before the sun had risen.他希望在日出前翻越山脊。The infantry were advancing to attack the ridge.步兵部队那时正向前挺进攻打一处山脊。We had to climb over a knife-edge mountain ridge.我们不得不翻越一道陡峭的山脊。




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