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词汇 dulled
例句 The drink must have dulled your senses.那饮料一定让你的感觉麻木了。A bottle of wine dulled his backache.喝了瓶酒他背痛减轻些了。The economic downturn has dulled their appetite for doing deals.经济下滑打击了他们做交易的欲望。The initial euphoria over democracy seemed greatly dulled.开始时对民主的那种高涨情绪似乎大大减退。Share prices and trading have been dulled by worries over the war.对战争的担忧使得股价下跌、交易量下滑。I began to feel spaced out, as though dulled by drugs.我开始感到恍惚,就好像被毒品麻痹了一样。His hearing was dulled by age.他的听觉因上了年纪而变得迟钝了。The colours of the painting have been dulled by age.那幅画因年长日久而变得色彩暗淡。The carpet dulled the sound of their footsteps.地毯使他们的脚步声变得低沉。The noise of hammering was dulled by the secondary glazing.因为隔着双层玻璃,锤子的敲打声变低沉了。There had been so many changes; he had become dulled to them.变化多得使他麻木不仁了。It was impossible not to think about her baby, but the drugs dulled her panic.她无法不去想她的孩子,但药物减缓了她的恐慌。Within half an hour the excruciating pain had dulled to a background throb.半小时不到,剧烈的疼痛就减轻了,只有阵阵隐痛。Her fear and anxiety dulled her mind.恐惧和焦虑使她迷迷糊糊的。His senses were dulled by drugs.吸毒使他感觉迟钝。In her experience, drinking dulled the pain.根据她的经验,喝酒可以减轻疼痛感。His hair dulled as he aged.他年事渐高,头发失去了光泽。The dog's eyes dulled as he got sick.他生病了,狗也黯然神伤。Special earplugs dulled the sound of the chain saw.特制的耳塞降低了链锯的噪声。Fog dulled the morning sunlight.晨曦掩盖在雾气中。The constant rain dulled all sound.连续不断的雨使得所有的声音都变低沉了。The knife was dulled from use.这把刀已经用钝了。Fear dulled his need for adventure.恐惧动摇了他冒险的念头。Her eyes dulled and she gazed blankly ahead.她眼神暗淡,茫然地凝视着前方。Fatigue had dulled her mind.劳累使她头脑迟钝。His shriek was dulled by the billowing snow.他的尖叫声在纷飞的大雪中变得轻了许多。Her eyes dulled and she gazed blankly.她眼神暗淡,呆呆地凝视着。His eyes had dulled, almost glazed.他的目光变得迟钝,近乎呆滞。




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