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词汇 aloof
例句 He seemed aloof and detached.他显得冷漠离群。He listened quietly to the arguments with an air of aloof detachment.他以冷漠超然的神态静听着各种论点。The organization is controlled by aloof intellectuals who do not take an interest in the ordinary members.该组织是由一群孤傲的知识分子掌控的,他们并不关心普通会员。The Government is keeping aloof from the controversy.政府对争论保持置身事外的态度。Guy became aloof and silent.盖伊变得冷淡起来,不作声了。He stood aloof from all the others in the reception.招待会上他孤零零地站着,不同大家在一起。I will hold myself aloof from wrong and corruption.我会让自己远离错误和腐败。Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy's aloof sophistication.露西的冷淡与世故使得巴里十分不快。I can't understand why she is so aloof towards him.我不明白她为什么对他那么冷淡。Later on, he became aloof and silent.后来,他变得超然离群,沉默寡言。I knew Deaver at college, and remember him as cold, humorless, and aloof.我是在大学时认识迪弗的,还记得他是一个冷淡、没有幽默感的人,喜欢独来独往。It was a cliquish group, with the older members staying aloof from the younger ones.这是一个派系团体,年纪较大的会员不和较年轻的会员往来。She seemed rather aloof when in fact she was just shy.她看似孤傲不群,可实际上只是腼腆。They worked hard, but tended to stay aloof from the local inhabitants.他们工作努力,但是一般不和当地居民来往。They remained aloof from the controversy.他们一直没有介入那场争论。The doctor held himself somewhat aloof from the rest of the ship's crew.那位医生不大搭理其余的船员。The Japanese are famously clannish, insular, aloof.日本人抱团排外、超然冷淡,这是人所共知的。Some thought that Britain was standing aloof from Europe.有些人认为英国与欧洲诸国保持距离。He stood aloof from their arguments.他不介入他们的辩论。She always stands aloof from those people.她一直疏远那些人。He was his own worst enemy, too uncompromising to get on with politicians and too aloof to win the affection of ordinary people.他是自作自受,一方面不懂妥协,无法与政客们和睦相处,另一方面又孤傲冷漠,不能赢得大众的喜爱。He stood aloof from the daily operations of the office.他对办公室的日常业务漠不关心。She stood tall and aloof.她人很高,很冷漠。He held himself aloof from his coworkers. 他对同事们很冷淡。I didn't like her much. I thought she was rather aloof.我不太喜欢她。我觉得她冷冰冰的。The nonparticipant observant remained aloof.那位不介入的观察者保持超然的态度。She had always kept herself aloof from the boys in class.她对班上的男生一直很冷漠。He has remained somewhat aloof from the business of politics.他一直对政治事务不太关心。Thomas, of course, was cool and aloof and imperturbable.当然,托马斯沉着、冷漠,不易激动。Some people find her aloof and unfriendly.有些人觉得她孤高冷漠。They tried to keep/remain/stand aloof from the politics of the day.他们努力避开时政。Beneath that aloof exterior, Gayle is a warm, sympathetic person.在冷漠的外表下,盖尔是个有同情心的热心人。She remained aloof despite their efforts to make friends.尽管他们努力与她交朋友,但她依然很冷漠。Barbara remained aloof behind the barrier of her menu.芭芭拉用菜单挡着自己一直不说话。Initially, the President remained aloof from the campaign.最初,总统不参与这次运动。He remained aloof, thinking his own thoughts.他始终落落寡合,一心想着自己的事。A lot of people found my father rather formal and aloof, particularly when they first met him.许多人觉得我父亲相当严肃、冷漠,尤其是与他初次见面时。I didn't like him at all. I thought he was cool, aloof, and arrogant.我一点也不喜欢他。我觉得他这个人冷漠、疏远而且孤傲。In face of such threats and challenges, no country can manage alone or stand aloof.面对威胁和挑战,任何国家都难以独善其身或置身事外。The local Asian community has not stood aloof from the freedom struggle.当地的亚洲人社区在这次争取自由的斗争中没有置身事外。




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