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词汇 drug abuse
例句 In many countries today, drug abuse is public enemy number one. 在许多国家,嗜毒是头号公敌。The story is a sober look at drug abuse.这则报道是对毒品滥用的严肃审视。The local newspaper ran a feature on drug abuse.地方报纸登载一篇有关滥用致幻药的特写。This case has brought the problem of drug abuse in schools into sharp focus.这个案件使得校园毒品问题成为高度关注的焦点。Nowhere is drug abuse more of a problem than in the US.没有什么地方吸毒问题比美国更严重。We are determined to fight drug abuse in schools.我们决心对抗校园内的吸毒问题。Many of the patients have long histories of drug abuse, and they're not always rational.许多病人有长期吸毒的前科,他们并不能始终保持行为理智。Many schools are now trying to tackle the problem of drug abuse.许多学校现正设法解决滥用药物的问题。The schools are rife with drug abuse.学校里吸毒现象很普遍。Parents should talk with their children about drug abuse.父母应该和他们的孩子讨论吸毒问题。The focus of our discussion/debate/attention will be drug abuse.我们讨论/辩论/关注的焦点将是滥用药物的问题。After years of drug abuse, she finally got treatment and cleaned up her act.吸毒数年后,她最终接受治疗,改过自新了。The government has appointed a drugs tsar to coordinate the fight against drug abuse.政府任命了一位缉毒特派员来协调禁毒战。She has been treated for alcohol and drug abuse.她因酗酒和吸毒而接受过治疗。Our campaign against drug abuse is supported by the medical profession.我们反对滥用药物的运动得到了医学界的支持。Murphy gradually slid into a pattern of drug abuse.墨菲逐渐染上了嗜毒的恶习。The local newspaper ran a feature on drug abuse.当地报纸刊载了一篇关于药品滥用的专题报道。Conference members agreed on an overall approach to drug abuse that focuses on prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation.与会人士一致赞成在滥用药物问题上采取以预防、治疗和康复为重的全面措施。The group tours schools, talking to kids about drug abuse and its associated problems.该组织巡回探访各校,给孩子们讲述吸毒及其带来的问题。They are leading a campaign to warn teenagers about the dangers of drug abuse.他们正在领导一场运动,告诫青少年吸毒的危害。They are not taking enough action to curb drug abuse and crime.他们现在并没有采取足够的措施打击吸毒和犯罪行为。Social problems such as teen pregnancy, drug abuse, and high divorce rates are often common in the most advanced countries.少女怀孕、吸毒、高离婚率等社会问题在最先进的国家往往很普遍。The government is spending millions of dollars in its attempt to combat drug abuse.政府正斥资数百万美元打击滥用毒品的行为。Children growing up in deprived areas are far more likely to turn to crime and drug abuse.在贫困地区长大的孩子犯罪和吸毒的可能性高得多。




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