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词汇 a load of
例句 All this stuff about poisons in the water supply is a load of hogwash, if you ask me.有关水源被下了毒之类的说法在我看来全是胡说八道。It's a load of bunkum.这是一派胡言。What he said was just a load of old rubbish.他所说的不过是些老掉牙的无稽之谈。I turfed out a load of old shoes last week.上周我扔掉了一堆旧鞋子。Being left in a bar all afternoon with a load of football fans is not the most edifying of experiences.被留在酒吧里和一帮足球迷整整呆一下午,可不是什么有益身心的经历。What a load of unadulterated nonsense!完全是一派胡言!I think it's a load of bull.我认为这纯属胡说八道。I ran a load of laundry through the washing machine.我用洗衣机洗了一堆脏衣物。This is a load of codswallop.这真是一派胡言。That's a load of baloney.那是一通胡说八道。I got a load of bumf from my bank in the post today.我今天收到了银行邮寄的许多宣传材料。I thought the game was a load of crap.我觉得这场比赛简直就是瞎胡闹。His people came up with a load of embarrassing information.他的部下亮出一大堆令人尴尬的资料来。He picked up a load of firewood and carried it into the house.他抱起一捆柴火搬到房子里去了。He talks such a load of piffle.他满嘴胡言乱语。Personally, I think that's a load of garbage!我个人认为这纯粹是一堆垃圾!I have a load of laundry in the machine. 我有一堆要洗的衣服在洗衣机里。He liked the second series and I thought it was a load of crap.他喜欢第二辑,但我却觉得很糟糕。The old man was carrying a load of sticks.那个老人抱着一捆树枝。This is a load of shit.这是一派胡言。He parked a load of papers on my desk.他把一大摞文件放在我桌上。The truck dumped a load of paving.卡车卸下一车铺路材料。He spouts a load of pretentious nonsense and people are stupid enough to believe him!他滔滔不绝地胡乱吹嘘了一通,人们竟然蠢得相信了他!Everything they said was just a load of moonshine.他们所说的都是一些无稽之谈。I've never heard such a load of tripe in all my life.我一辈子还从没听到过这样一堆废话。They had a load of trouble.他们有很多麻烦。I don't know why you're watching that film, it's a load of old rubbish.我不明白那电影你为什么还要看下去,尽是些老掉牙的废话。To my untutored eye that just looks like a load of random brush strokes, and yet it's a very valuable painting.在我这个外行人眼里,那只是一堆随意的涂鸦,但它实际上却是很有价值的作品。I've never read such a load of garbage in my life.我这辈子从未读过这么糟糕的东西。I took a load of rubbish and grass cuttings to the tip.我把一堆垃圾与修剪下的碎草运到了垃圾场。I've never heard such a load of nonsense.如此一派胡言,本人闻所未闻。Beata was talking a load of twaddle.贝娅塔废话连篇。What a load of bunkum!简直是一派胡言!He came out with a load of crap about how he'd tried to call me yesterday.他说了一大堆谎话,说昨天他怎么想要给我打电话。They've got a load of furniture going cheap.他们买了一堆降价出售的家具。Someone told me it was a really interesting museum, but I thought it was a load of crap.有人跟我说这家博物馆很有意思,可我却觉得它糟糕极了。We got a load of complaints about the loud music.很多人向我们抱怨音乐声太大。They're showing a load of crap on TV this Christmas.他们今年圣诞的电视节目简直是一堆垃圾。The sexy heroine (wait until you get a load of her outfit) soon arrives.性感女主角(你可以等着看她那身衣服)很快就来了。Who said they were cheaper - what a load of rubbish!谁说便宜来着——简直就是一堆垃圾!




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