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词汇 余波
例句 In the aftermath of the coup, troops fired on the demonstrators.政变的余波是军队向示威者开了火。Among the sequels of the party were many stomachaches.宴会的余波之一是很多人肚子痛。They were caught in the political backwash of the incident.他们陷于该事件的政治余波中。The effects of that event still reverberate today.那件事的影响至今都余波未了。The children struggled through their parents' divorce and its aftermath.在父母离异的风波和余波中,孩子们艰难地挺了过去。They could feel the reverberation of the explosion two streets away.他们能感觉到两个街区外的爆炸余波的回荡。Recession in the country has run its course and left an aftermath of uncertainty.该国的经济衰退已经偃旗息鼓,但是余波未了,未来仍然捉摸不定。There was a lot of fallout after the police bribes were made public.警察受贿案公开之后,引起极大的余波The fallout from the Asian financial crisis has continued to affect business.亚洲金融危机的余波仍然影响着商业活动。The police said the clash was a sequel to yesterday's nationwide strike.警方说这场冲突是昨天全国大罢工的余波The latest fallout from the Premier League is all over the back pages.报纸的体育新闻页满是联赛余波的最新消息。




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