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词汇 超车
例句 I hate it when cars speed up while you're trying to pass them.我讨厌那些在你要超车的时候加速的车辆。He drove fast and well, passing cars only when it was safe.他驾驶汽车既快又稳,只有在无风险时才超车Overtaking on a bend is dangerous.在转弯处超车是很危险的。The driver would cut ahead of anyone whenever possible.那司机只要有可能就抢挡超车The car pulled out to overtake.汽车开到路中间要超车Some idiot in a fast car is trying to overtake.有个蠢人开得很快想超车Hey, that guy/car just cut me off!嘿,那家伙/那辆车刚才超车冲到我前面去了!Always check your mirror before pulling out to overtake.超车前一定要注意看后视镜。He lost his temper after a driver flashed her headlights as he overtook.一个女司机在他超车时不停地闪着车前灯,这让他火冒三丈。Pulling out to overtake, the car collided head-on with a van.越线超车时,轿车和一辆厢式货车迎面相撞。He shouted at a driver who cut him off.他冲那个突然超车冲到他前面的司机大叫。Always check your rear view mirror before you overtake (another car).超车前一定要先看一下后视镜。I nearly got wiped out by some dickhead trying to overtake round a blind corner.有个蠢货试图在盲角超车,我差点儿被撞死。Use the outside lane for overtaking only.外侧车道仅限超车使用。Nigel drove fast and well, passing cars only when it was safe.奈杰尔开车又快又好,只有在保证安全的情况下才会超车It's dangerous to overtake on a bend.在转弯处超车是很危险的。That's a dangerous place to overtake.那个地方超车很危险。The driver nearly caused an accident by cutting in.那司机超车抢挡差一点出车祸。Drivers who habitually cut in are bound to cause accidents sooner or later.习惯于超车的驾驶员迟早要出车祸。As the cars overtake you, they are temporarily outside your field of vision.汽车超车的时候,会暂时性地脱离你的视野。Never overtake on a curve.转弯时不要超车She overtook on a blind bend and crashed.她在一个隐蔽的拐角处超车,结果撞车了。He flashed his headlights and changed lanes whenever a gap opened up.只要前面出现一点儿空隙他就会亮起前灯换车道超车The red car was pulling out ready to overtake.那辆红色汽车驶离车列准备超车A fellow driver criticized him for weaving about on the track to balk those who try to overtake.一名同场竞技的车手指责他为了挡住想超车的人在赛道上穿来穿去。Before you start to overtake, make sure the road is clear ahead of you.超车前,一定要确定前方道路没有障碍物。Never try to overtake on a bend.千万别在转弯处超车Some dipstick cut in front of me on the highway.公路上,一个傻瓜抢道超车插在了我的前面。It's not safe to pass when the lines in the middle of the road are solid.路中间如果是实线的话,超车不安全。The car in front pulled out to overtake.前面的汽车开出依次行进的车流强行超车When you're overtaking, make sure there's nothing coming the other way.超车的时候一定要看清楚对面没有车驶过来。




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