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例句 She has outsold all the other agents in her field.她的销售业绩超过了她这一行中所有其他的代理商。Harrison maintains that the pair were not in contact for over 10 years.哈里森坚称他们俩已超过十年没联系了。Local taxes are going to be taking a bigger bite out of people's income than they ever have before.地方税在人们收入中的比重将超过以往任何时候。Sales this year exceeded the total for the two previous years.今年的销售量超过了前两年销售量的总和。She passed two other runners just before the finish line.快到终点时她超过了另外两名选手。Figures released last week put the number of people infected with HIV at over 30,000.上周公布的数字显示艾滋病病毒感染的人数超过了三万。We passed several other craft on the river.我们超过了河上的其他几条船。I get a pounding headache if I wear my glasses for more than one hour.如果戴眼镜超过一小时,我就会无比头痛。They're always trying to one-up each other by buying the latest gadgets.他们争相购买最时髦的电子产品,总是力争超过对方。The prime minister makes more money from taxing fuel than the oil barons make from producing it.首相对燃油征税所赚取的钱超过石油大亨生产燃油所得的利润。Tom has never improved on his first book.汤姆再也没有写出超过处女作的书来。James was a fast learner, and was soon better at tennis than his coach.詹姆斯学得很快,他的网球技术很快超过了他的教练。By the end of the war, there were over two million dead.战争结束时,死亡人数已超过两百万。He made the fatal error of borrowing more than he could pay back.他犯了个致命的错误,借的钱超过了自己的偿还能力。The wealth there beggars the combined treasures of all Europe.那里的财富超过整个欧洲所有的金银财宝。Body temperature may exceed normal limits.体温可能会超过正常值。By next year, the number of homes with either cable or satellite television is expected to be just over 10 million.到明年,拥有有线电视或卫星电视的家庭,数量将正好超过一千万户。According to our present ideas of physics, nothing can travel faster than light.根据我们现在物理学的概念,没有什么东西能超过光速。She was breathalysed and found to be over the limit.她接受了呼气测醉检查,结果超过了限定值。You have to declare any earnings over a certain amount.收入在超过了一定数字后需要申报。U.S. investments here topped one billion dollars.美国在这里的投资超过了十亿美元。Choose no/not more than three options. 选项不得超过三个。The cable is designed to withstand strains of more than four tons.这条钢缆设计承受的拉力超过四吨。They have cumulated debts of over $10 million.他们的债务积累到了超过一千万美元。The possible benefits outweigh the risks involved.可能产生的利润超过其含有的风险。In a short time the number of cells is more than a trillion.不久细胞的数量就超过了一万亿。Over a third of their inhabitants backed the insurgents.这些区内超过三分之一的定居者支持叛乱分子。His personality drowned all who stood beside him.他的品格超过周围的所有人。Not to be outdone, other computer manufacturers are also donating machines to schools.为了不让对手超过自己,其他的计算机生产商也在向学校捐赠计算机设备。Catholics make up over a quarter of the total electorate.天主教徒超过选民总人数的四分之一。A new pet census showed that cats now outnumber dogs by a whisker.一项新的宠物普查显示,猫的数量略微超过了狗的数量。None of the pictures on exhibition could best this one.在展出的画中没有一幅超过这幅。Right now you're in a more commanding position than you have been for ages.现在你的权力超过了多年以来任何时候。Jamie makes over two hundred thousand dollars and I don't know how much Tom makes, but I guess it's in the same ballpark.杰米赚超过二十万美元。不知道汤姆赚了多少,但我猜大概差不多。Be careful not to overstay your visa.当心,居留别超过了签证期限。Dexter tried every manoeuvre he could to overtake the truck.德克斯特千方百计想超过那辆卡车。Your intake of alcohol should not exceed two units per day.每天的饮酒量不应超过两个计量单位。They only give you a discount if you buy more than a certain amount.购买超过一定数量,他们才会给打折。One company said that up to half of their employees spend over an hour's work time a day browsing the web.一家公司说,他们有一半的员工每天花超过一小时的工作时间浏览网页。Avoid deposits in excess of £20,000 in any one account.单一账户存款勿超过两万英镑。




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