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词汇 draw on
例句 We shall have to draw on our savings if we buy a house.如果要买一座房子,我们就不得不动用我们的存款。Journalists draw on both published and unofficial information from many different sources.新闻记者利用来自许多不同来源的已公布和非官方消息。They draw on funds from a common pool.他们动用共用基金。Maltravers took a long draw on his cigarette.马尔特拉弗斯长吸了一口烟。Her book draws on letters, diaries, journals and historical sources.她的书取材于信件、日记、日志以及历史资料。It was a challenge, but luckily we had the experience to draw on.这是场挑战,幸运的是我们有经验可以借鉴。Your body draws on its reserves of fat during the times when you are fasting.禁食的时候,身体会动用储存的脂肪。They don't want to draw on the fund unless they have to.除非不得已,否则他们不想动用基金。We need to draw on the professional expertise of a large number of teachers.我们需要借助众多教师的专业知识。She was able to draw on her immense inner strength.她能够汲取内心深处的巨大力量。This book draws on globalization and post-colonial studies in analysing lusophone Africa.这本书借助全球化和后殖民研究来分析非洲葡萄牙语区。The government had to draw on reserves and borrow abroad.政府不得不动用储备并向国外借款。The novels draw on popular imagery from newspapers.那些小说使用了报纸上流行的形象化描述。We just have to draw on historical precedence.我们只需利用历史先例。He had to draw on all his experience as a yachtsman.他只能完全靠他自己做游艇驾驶员的经验。They have a fund of experience to draw on.他们有丰富的经验可以利用。Build confidence by assigning tasks which draw on an employee's areas of strength.通过分派能发挥雇员长处的任务来建立信心。As an actor, you often draw on your own life experiences.作为演员,你经常要利用自己的生活经历。She had a wealth of experience to draw on.她有丰富的经验可资借鉴。He was able to draw on vast reserves of talent and enthusiasm.他那时自身天分极高,并怀着一腔热情。Her new book draws on her personal experience as a firefighter.她的新书中借用了她当消防队员的个人经历。She draws on his strength a lot.她常靠他的支持。He had to draw on reserves of strength just to finish the race.为了跑完全程他不得不竭尽全力。She draws on firsthand experiences for her novel.她把亲身经历写进自己的小说。A draw on the short end of the rope will release the knot.拉绳子的短头便可解开结。In her book, she draws on her first-hand experience of mental illness.她的书以自己患精神病的亲身经历为素材。He took a long draw on his cigarette before answering.他深深地抽了一口烟才回答。These faiths draw on the traditional religions of indigenous peoples.这些信仰出自原住民的传统宗教。Other companies can draw on gas from wells.其它公司可以利用井中的天然气。




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