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词汇 draw a veil over
例句 I think it best to draw a veil over the whole incident.我认为这整件事最好是避而不谈。I'd rather draw a veil over what happened last night.昨晚发生的事我还是不谈为好。Both sides sought to draw a veil over the argument.双方都试图避而不谈这场争论。Yes, well I think we'll just draw a veil over what went on last night.是啊,我想昨晚发生的事情我们就不要提了。I think we should draw a veil over everything that happened at the party, don't you?我觉得我们不应再提聚会上发生的任何事,不是吗?The clamour to draw a veil over the minister's extra-marital activities reeks of hypocrisy.想要掩饰部长婚外情的喧嚣叫嚷之声让人倍感虚伪。They prefer to draw a veil over the whole incident.他们宁可把这整个事件隐瞒起来。




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