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词汇 all over the world
例句 This credit card is recognized all over the world.这种信用卡在全世界都是认可的。The interview was broadcast all over the world.这次采访向全世界播出。Shiraz has stitched up major deals all over the world to boost sales.希拉兹已经在全球促成了几笔大宗协议的签订,以此来提高销量。The Michelin Awards are coveted by restaurants all over the world.米其林奖是全世界所有餐厅都向往得到的。They say that she has been all over the world.他们说她到过世界各地。This achievement will be heralded all over the world.这项成果将受到全世界的热烈欢迎。She collects postcards from all over the world.她收集来自世界各地的明信片。It's not right, in this day and age, that people all over the world are still starving.在如今这个时代,世界各地还有人在挨饿,这是不合理的。His music has brought pleasure to people all over the world.他的音乐为全世界的人们带来了快乐。Women all over the world have been demonstrating to show their solidarity.世界各地的妇女都出来游行示威以示团结。The name of Albert Einstein is still reverenced by the scientists all over the world.爱因斯坦的名字仍然受到世界各地科学家的崇敬。Tributes have been pouring in from all over the world for the famous actor who died yesterday.昨天这位著名演员去世后,世界各国人士纷纷表示哀悼。The television programmes from all over the world are bounced off satellites.世界各地的电视节目都由通信卫星转播。When oil prices rise, prices of other goods all over the world rise in a chain reaction.石油价格上涨引起了连锁反应,令世界各地其他商品的价格都上涨了。Italian ice cream is imitated all over the world.意大利冰淇淋在全世界范围内被仿制。She commanded the admiration of music lovers all over the world.她受到世界各地音乐爱好者的尊重。Plastic bags and water bottles are a menace all over the world.塑料袋和水瓶在全世界都是一种公害。He collected stories from all over the world.他收集了世界各地的故事。She has lectured all over the world.她在世界各地作过演讲。She has danced, choreographed, lectured and taught all over the world.她在世界各地跳过舞、编过舞蹈、作过报告,还讲过课。American culture has been exported all over the world.美国文化已经传播到了世界各地。They come from all over the world, though the bulk is from the Indian subcontinent.他们来自世界各地,不过大部分是来自南亚次大陆。Fresh seafood is jetted in from all over the world.新鲜的海产品用喷气式飞机从世界各地运来。Martin Bell worked for many years as the BBC's war correspondent, covering conflicts all over the world.马丁·贝尔在英国广播公司当过多年的战地记者,报道世界各地的战事。Soldiers all over the world have done things that would make your blood freeze.全世界的士兵都干过一些会使你不寒而栗的事。The films manufactured by Hollywood are saturated in the cinemas all over the world.在全世界电影市场上充斥着好莱坞的影片。The museum gets visitors from all over the world.这座博物馆接待来自世界各地的参观者。She has created a style of music that has delighted audiences all over the world.她创造出了一种能令全世界的听众都感到快乐的音乐风格。Antique clocks from all over the world are on display.来自世界各地的古玩钟正在展出。John Lennon's "Imagine" has become the anthem of peace-lovers all over the world.约翰•列侬的《想象》已成为全世界和平爱好者的颂歌。Malaria is bursting out again all over the world.疟疾在世界范围内再次爆发。The competitors tonight come from all over the world.今晚的参赛选手来自世界各地。The firm has agencies all over the world.这家商号在全世界都设有代理机构。The festival attracts talent from all over the world.该节吸引世界各地的人才。The museum attracts visitors from all over the world.那个博物馆吸引了世界各地的游客。She lectures to audiences all over the world.她向世界各地的听众发表演讲。Her energy and intellect are respected all over the world.她的活力和才智得到了全世界的尊重。People came from all over the world to enjoy America's bounty.世界各地的人都涌往美国,享受美国的富裕。The Internet allows people from all over the world to link up for chat sessions.因特网能让世界各地的人聚在一起聊天。Her paintings have been exhibited all over the world.她的绘画作品在世界各地展出。




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