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词汇 dispatch
例句 The general sent a dispatch to headquarters.将军向总部发了急件。Everything took place with dispatch and organization.一切事情都迅速而有组织地进行。We must act with dispatch.我们必须迅速行动。After the dispatch of the messenger, we waited.派出信使后,我们等待着。The maintenance supervisor would dispatch a crew to repair the damage.维修管理人将派一组人去修理损坏的地方。We received a dispatch from Captain Smith.我们收到史密斯上尉发来的一份急件。The problem was handled with dispatch.这个问题得到了迅速而有效的处理。The seller had agreed to dispatch the goods free of charge.卖方同意免费送货。The victory inspired him to dispatch a gleeful telegram to Roosevelt.胜利促使他给罗斯福发了封喜报。Hounds can catch a fox and dispatch it immediately.猎犬能够抓住狐狸并迅速把它杀死。In her latest dispatch, Clare Duggan, our war correspondent, reported an increase in fighting.我们的战地记者克莱尔‧达根在其最新报道中说战事正在加剧。He couldn't quite believe the dispatch sent by his reporter.他不敢相信他的记者发来的报导。Please rush details in your next dispatch.请赶快在下次急报中告知详情。He requested the immediate dispatch of supplies/troops.他要求立即调配物资/派遣军队。The emergency required the dispatch of more troops.为应对这一紧急事件,需要派遣更多的部队。We need to address these problems with dispatch.我们需要迅速解决这些问题。He departed with dispatch for regions unknown.他急急离开,去向不明。A cab arrived in minutes via radio dispatch.通过无线电调度,出租汽车几分钟内就来了。




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