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词汇 discusses
例句 The article discusses two recent Supreme Court opinions.这篇文章讨论了最高法院最近两次的判决意见书。The book discusses the relationship between culture and couture.本书探讨了文化和女士服装的关系。The essay discusses the role that television plays in modern society. 这篇论文探讨了电视在现代社会中的作用。Her paper discusses the likely impact of global warming.她的论文探讨了全球性变暖可能带来的影响。This chapter discusses power, and how people use it.这一章节讲权力,以及如何运用权力。The book discusses the role of the avant-garde in the film industry.这本书讨论了电影产业中先锋派的作用。Coming up after the news, Dan Schorr discusses the state of the presidential campaign.新闻之后,丹·肖尔将带来对总统竞选活动的详细评述。Having gone into the causes of the French Revolution, the book then discusses its effects.这本书详细论述了法国革命的起因,之后又讨论了革命的影响。The document discusses the assessment of future senior managers.文件讨论了对未来高级经理的评估。The book discusses the role of play in a child's development.这本书探讨了游戏在儿童成长中的作用。In her latest book she discusses the menopause, which is a subject that concerns all womankind.在最新的书里,她讨论了更年期这一涉及所有女性的话题。In his analysis of the novel he discusses various aspects of the author's own life.他在对这部小说的分析中谈及了作者生平的各个方面。The book discusses sexual deviation in serial killers.本书描述了连环杀手的性行为异常。Her essay discusses the dichotomy between good and evil in the author's novels.她的文章讨论了这位作家的小说里善恶的对立。The report discusses the problem only incidentally. 这份报告只是附带地谈了一下这个问题。The book discusses the political subjection of the island by its larger neighbour.这本书谈论了该岛在政治上受到其强大邻国控制的问题。The article discusses the theory in depth.文章深刻论述了这一理论。The book discusses his illness and subsequent resignation from politics.书中讲述了他患病及随后隐退政坛的事。The article discusses the recent assignment of senators to some of the more powerful committees.文章讨论了最近选派参议员去一些影响更大的委员会工作的事宜。In the first chapter, the author discusses childcare issues.作者在第一章论述儿童保育问题。The book discusses the impact of Christian thinking on western society.这本书探讨了基督教思想对西方社会的影响。The book discusses the future of travel in outer space.这本书探讨了太空旅行的未来。The author discusses the politics of the region without condescension. 那位作者在讨论这一地区的政治时没有给人高高在上的感觉。The article discusses a number of ways people can boost their immune systems.文章论述了多种提高人们自身免疫力的方法。The seminar discusses typical work-related problems and strategies to manage them.研讨会的议题是工作上的典型问题以及处理这些问题的策略。The book discusses the events leading up to the outbreak of World War Two.这本书探讨了导致第二次世界大战爆发的一些事件。




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