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词汇 three
例句 He's been inside three times.他已进过三回监狱。The doctor prescribed three months of physical therapy for my leg injury.医生让我用物理疗法治疗腿伤三个月。San Diego is asking private companies to bid against city workers to run one of the city's three water treatment plants.圣迭戈要求私人公司投标,与市政人员争夺该市三大污水处理厂之一的经营权。His first play had a three-month run in the West End.他的第一部戏在伦敦西区连续上演了三个月。The river has three main branches.这条河有三条主要的支流。His annual leave has been cut from six weeks to just three.他的年假从六周被削减到只有三周。On both days, three very different trains will be timetabled.这两天,三趟火车都将排入时刻表。Influenza is self-limited, usually lasting three or four days.流行性感冒病程自限,一般三四天后自愈。He was christened when he was three months old.他三个月大时就受洗了。From her first contractions to the birth of the baby took only three hours.从她第一次宫缩到孩子出生只用了三个小时。It was three months before my parents found out I'd been going out with Peter.父母三个月之后才发现我在和彼得约会。We called up three economists to ask how to eliminate the deficit and they obliged with very straightforward answers.我们给三个经济学者打电话询问消除赤字的办法,他们给出了坦率的回答。The old woman hid him in her cellar for three days.那位老妇人把他在地窖里藏了三天。The weather was great - it only rained twice in three weeks.天气好极了,三个星期里才下了两次雨。The actress spoke only three lines in the first act.在第一幕中这位女演员只有三行台词。The accounts are more than three months behind.这些账目滞后三个多月。She'll be three in June.她六月份就三岁了。Dig a hole that's two feet deep and three feet in diameter.挖一个深两英尺、直径三英尺的洞。Okay, we're talking three or four million, right?好吧,咱们议到三四百万之谱,对吗?The war cost millions of lives and decimated three generations.战争使数百万人丧生,毁了整整三代人。It would be like carrying coals to Newcastle if another post office opened in the neighborhood; there are already three now.如果在此附近再开一家邮局,简直是多此一举。现在已经有三家了。Amy was now stout and matronly, the mother of three children.埃米现在身材矮胖有点中年发福,已是三个孩子的母亲了。Please finish off now. The test will end in three minutes.现在请完成考卷,考试三分钟后结束。She showed me a snapshot of her three children.她给我看了她三个孩子的照片。His three-year tenure in the post was coming to an end.他在这一职位上的三年任期就要结束。She had a barrel of fun for three full years before she became respectable again.她快活了整整三年,之后才恢复了好名声。A story from the basal reader usually takes three days to teach.基础读物中一个故事通常需要教三天。Drawn matches were replayed three or four days later.打成平局的比赛在三四天后重播。He was given free lodging in a three-room flat.他得以在一间三室公寓里免费住宿。Profits have slowly increased since we started the business three years ago.自从我们三年前创建公司以来,利润有了缓慢增长。Renault are introducing three new models at the show.雷诺公司将在这次展会上推出三款新的车型。Fluency in three languages qualifies her for work in the European Parliament.她能流利地说三种语言,这使她有资格在欧洲议会工作。The three parties will meet next month to work out remaining differences.三方将在下个月会面,以解决余下的分歧。I spotted three typos on the menu.我看到菜单上有三处打印错误。The genie will grant you three wishes.精灵将允许你许三个愿。I need a three-day moratorium to repay my debt.我需要延期三天偿付债款。All those three books are compacted and compressed into one book.那三本书的内容全都压缩进一本书了。Detectives managed to catch the gunman who had taken three hostages in a raid on a jeweller's shop.警探终于抓获了在抢劫一家珠宝店时劫持三名人质的那个持枪歹徒。The composition had to be at least three pages long.作文至少要写三页。She's the author of three acclaimed biographies.她是三本备受好评的传记作品的作者。




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