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词汇 Three
例句 Three of the members on the panel are doctors.咨询小组有三名成员是医生。Three thousand people came, give or take a few hundred.来了三千人,上下有个几百人的出入。Three independent studies all arrived at the same conclusion.三项独立研究最后都得出了相同的结论。Three men had a lucky escape when the roof collapsed just yards from where they were standing.屋顶倒塌了,距离这三个人站立的地方只有几码远,他们侥幸脱逃。A rhythm of One Two Three One Two Three is characteristic of waltz.一二三一二三的节拍是华尔滋舞曲的特色。Three boys were changing a tyre by the side of the road.三个男孩在路边换轮胎。Three companies were negotiating to market the drug.三家公司正在协商对该药进行市场推广。Three rooms lead off the courtyard.这个庭院通向三个房间。Three years later he was on the political scrapheap.三年后,他就在政治上被抛弃了。Three plus two is five.三加二等于五。Three men have broken out of a top security jail.三名男子从一个戒备极其森严的监狱逃跑了。Three ski lifts are currently in operation.目前有三辆滑雪缆车在运行。Three years in the army toughened him up.三年的军旅生涯使他变得坚强起来。Three framed banknotes have pride of place in his office.三张装裱好的钞票是他办公室里最重要的东西。Three whiskeys, please - two singles and one double.请来三杯威士忌—两杯单的,一杯双份的。Three extra rooms were used as classrooms when necessary.额外三间房间必要时用作教室。Three civilians were injured during the fray.三个平民在冲突中受伤。Three students contended for the prize.三个学生竞争该奖。Three families living in one room - it's a disgrace!三家人住在一间房里——太糟糕了!His success projected him onto Channel 4's comedy series 'Packet of Three.'他的成功让自己加入到第四频道的系列喜剧《三人秀》中。Three instructors have been suspended from duties while sexual harassment charges are investigated.性骚扰指控调查期间,三名讲师被暂时停职。Three auditors were accused of aiding and abetting the men charged with fraud.有人告发三名税务稽查员与那些被控诈骗的人同谋作案。Three inmates were killed in retaliation.三名囚犯遭报复被杀。Three of the nations are expected to revalue their currencies soon.预计其中三个国家将很快调整它们的汇率。Three years ago she married a successful businessman, and now she never sees her old friends.三年前她嫁了一位成功的生意人,现在她不再和老朋友来往。Three editors are revising the articles for publication.三名编辑正在修订文章以供出版。Three card tables had been set up for bridge.支起了三张牌桌打桥牌。Three cheers for Mr Jones!为琼斯先生欢呼三声!Three police forces have joined together to buy a helicopter.三支警察部队共同出资购买了一架直升机。Three mounted officers rode into the field after the volley.枪炮群射后,三名军官骑着马冲进了战场。Three people were injured in the explosion.有三个人在爆炸中受伤。Three people were asphyxiated in the crush for last week's train.上周有三人挤火车时窒息身亡。Three people appeared in court and two of them were remanded in custody.三人出庭,其中两人被还押候审。Three men knocked over a bank.三名男子偷了银行的钱。Three iron ore producers have clubbed together to argue for new railways.三家铁矿石生产商联手,主张修建新铁路。Three weeks from today, that is to say, the 1st of May, you have to turn in the paper.从今天起三星期后,即五月一日,你必须把报告交上来。Three cheers for the winner: Hip, hip, hurray!为胜利者欢呼三声:加油,加油,加油! Three short blasts on the whistle was the sign to begin.三声短哨就是开始的信号。Three months after the operation, the pain was still there.手术三个月了,疼痛仍未消失。Three eggs have already hatched out.三只小鸡已孵出。




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