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词汇 three-day
例句 Much of the damage wrought by the disastrous three-day storm was still apparent.历时三天的灾难性暴风雨造成的破坏大部分仍很明显。The Association hosted a special three-day sailing event.该协会举办了一场为期三天的别开生面的帆船比赛。 The researchers observed mothers and their new infants for a three-day period.研究人员对母亲和新生婴儿进行了为期三天的观察。Our three-day stop at lake Navasha was restful and picturesque.我们在奈瓦沙湖畔待了三天,很放松,那里风景也漂亮。The controversy could even embroil the Queen during her three-day trip to Australia.这场论战甚至可能会牵扯到在澳大利亚进行三天访问的女王。Britain's three-day event team has high hopes of winning the Olympic gold medal.英国队有很大希望赢得奥运会马术三日赛的金牌。The cross-country section of the three-day event was held here yesterday.为期三天的赛事中的越野赛昨天在此举办。Last year, the city hosted a three-day gay pride festival.去年,该市举行了为期三天的同性恋骄傲节。So far no one has violated the three-day ceasefire.到目前为止,没有人破坏这项三天停火协议。I need a three-day moratorium to repay my debt.我需要延期三天偿付债款。The three-day event is a chance for old timers to get together and swap war stories.这三天的活动是老人家聚在一起讲述各自的战争经历的好机会。He has changed his schedule to a three-day stint, which starts Friday.他把日程安排改为三天时间,从星期五开始。We really went to town on it, turning it into a full, three-day show.我们下了真功夫,把它办成了一场内容丰富、为时三天的展览。The effect won't be apparent until Tuesday, the first working day after the three-day holiday.其效果要到三天假期之后的第一个工作日即星期二才会显现。Forman was wearing a rumpled sweatsuit and a three-day beard.福曼穿了一件皱巴巴的运动服,三天没有刮过胡子了。




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