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词汇 got back
例句 They got back from their trip yesterday.他们昨天旅行回来了。I hear John has got back with Sally.我听说约翰重新跟萨莉好上了。I was hoping he would have got back to me by now.我还想着他这个时候应该已经和我重新联系上了。I'm talking about last July or whenever it was you got back from India.我正在谈论你从印度回来的时间,去年七月还是其他什么时候。She got back together with her old boyfriend.她又跟前男友在一起了。The day I got back, I found a note on my desk.我回家的那天发现书桌上有张字条。When I got back home, I was horrified to see what a terrible state the kitchen was in.我回到家发现厨房里一片狼藉,感到十分震惊。By the time we got back we were soaking.回来时我们浑身湿淋淋的。Soon they got back to shop.不一会他们回到与本行有关的话题上去了。We got back to find the flat had been turned over.我们回来后发现公寓被盗了。When they got back from their holiday they found that their home had been burgled.他们度假回来时发现家中被盗了。When he got back to the office, Green unloaded on his staff.格林回到办公室后,把气撒在了员工身上。Dad always got back home in time for tea.父亲总是按时回家喝茶。We got back home just as night was falling.夜幕渐渐降临时我们刚好回到了家。When she got back home, she soon reverted to her old ways.她回到家后,很快就恢复了过去的老习惯。We got back to the office in the early afternoon.我们在午后不久就回到办公室了。When I got back to the window, I suddenly found the ladder was stolen away.当我返回到窗子前,我突然发现梯子被人偷走了。He's been ill and hasn't got back into top gear.他病了一阵,尚未完全康复。By the time we got back we were soaked.回来时我们都湿透了。I said I would ring when I got back to the hotel.我说我回到旅馆会打电话的。He loved gardening. He went at it hammer and tongs as soon as he got back from work.他酷爱侍弄花草。只要下班一回到家,他就兴冲冲地忙活起来。I know she's got back trouble but how is she in herself?我知道她又患病了,那她现在怎么样?When I got back to the table, Carolyn was frowning at the check.我回到桌子的时候,卡罗琳正愁眉锁眼地望着账单。It's time I got back into training.是我该恢复训练的时候了。My clothes were sopping from the rain when I got back.我回来时衣服被雨淋得湿透。When we got back to the hotel, Ann had already left.当我们回到旅馆时,安已经走了。By the time we got back, Nona was already in bed.等到我们回来时,诺娜已经睡觉了。When I got back the fire had gone out.我回来时火已熄了。By the time they got back to the camp, they had nearly run out of water.他们回到营地时,水差不多已喝完了。I've been cooped up in the apartment ever since I got back to Chicago.我回到芝加哥后就一直被关在这个公寓中。He got back to the office just before lunchtime.他回到办公室的时候正好快要吃午饭了。We were down to our last traveller's cheque when we got back to the airport.我们回到机场时只剩下最后一张旅行支票。He threw himself into work once he got back from his holidays.他度假一回来就投身于工作。Perhaps if you rang me when you got back to your office?你回到办公室后给我打电话怎么样?When we got back from our walk in the snow, my whole body was glowing.我们在雪中散步回来,我全身上下都热乎乎的。When I got back, my land had gone to seed.当我回来时,我的土地已荒芜了。It wasn't until we had sat down to eat that we got back to the subject of Tom Halliday.我们直到坐下来吃饭时才又提起汤姆·哈利迪这个话题。Be sure to ring and let us know you've got back safely.一定要来个电话,让我们知道你已经平安返回。When we got back, we were devastated to find that the house had been burgled, and everything of value taken.我们回到家里发现家里被盗,凡值钱的都被拿走了,感到极为震惊。Steve was in a particularly bad mood when he got back.史蒂夫回来时情绪特别不好。




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